Slow grow, help please.

So I started a few seedlings outside July 10th I realize its a little late but I'm not looking for a big harvest, first frost ain't till late October, only reason why I'm planting late is family issues and couldn't get them planted :(, but I planted them they're about 20 days or so old and not very big, about 6 or 7 inches and look nothing like most plants I've seen at this point, 7 kc brains kc 36 stand, I recently transplanted them to large 3 gallon containers I'm.thinking maybe they were root bound and therefore could not grow so.I'm hoping transplanting them will speed up the process, and thoughts I'm gonna upload pics later today.


Well-Known Member
I started one last year late July and got 10 grams off of it. Hope thats all your're expecting. If not, you might be a little disappointed. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my guess is they are starting to flower now. You get a growth spurt then it slows down and flowers.
Yeah I'm not expecting much that's why I just put 7 in to hopefully get a decent amount, but my question is how would they start to flower when there's still a 15/9 light cycle, 6 am light to about 9 pm, don't they need more dark to induce flowering


Well-Known Member
Yea, you would think they would.
Mine turn at about 13.5 to 14 hours of daylight.

Are they shaded from morning sun?