slow growth? 1st grow 10 days old


Well-Known Member
u are new, thats cool. u can retransplant it. u have never seen ur mom grandma playing with there house plants? dig it out and put it in different soil. (the soil i am going to tell u about u can not use for seedlings, once its out of seedling stage its all good). when i used soil i went with a Amazon Bloom 1.5 CF a bag. it has earth juice nuts in it it last for 30 days. what i did was start in a small pot. when it got to big i put in a bigger pot with 2 x the soil. run that. once it gets to big for the pot or if you are going to flower put it in a pot that will hold 2x the soil u are using. know u should be at a gallon or a little more soil in your pot. do not fill it up all the way to the top u might need to add a little more dirt to finish flowering. the nutes only last 30 days. u do not have to buy nutes. if u do then get earth juice like what is in the soil allready. all u have to do is add water, i do suggest u get a moister meter so u dont over water. i did this and it worked out for me. it was tasty and stoney. next run u will have more experiance and u can do what ever. but right know u need some comfidece in ur yellow thumb. here is pic of what Amazon Bloom in action. i ran out of nutes in the soil before i was done. thats where the dont fill it up all the way comes in. u will have to add dirt inless u can flower in 30 days.



Active Member
You will be fine dude nothing to worrie about just feed with water for the first 4 weeks then get it out of that soil and get some good organic stuff and you will be golden my friend it ain't gonna die so don't worrie....BE PATIENT it will grow

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member
thanks guys for all your useful info. this site friggin rocks . .
Yo man whats up,
Im a first time grower and I made the same bad choice of using MG organic. Personally I think the large chunks negativity affect root growth.

But dont freak out because all my plants are alive and kickin, I just think they could be allot bigger if I had used better soil.

Your plants are small enough to easily transplant them into some better soil.

Next year Im going to invest in better soil. I think the results will be well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone saying that plant is normal size? IT should be twice that size at almost 2 weeks old. You can see all the wood in his soil to so you know the roots are having a hard time in there. Plus theirs no perlite or very little bit so the roots in the long run wont be as oxygenated and will stunt his plants into pygmy's. Im not blaming you for your soil choice because I bet almost all soil growers tried miracle grow or even worse scotts.


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone saying that plant is normal size? IT should be twice that size at almost 2 weeks old. You can see all the wood in his soil to so you know the roots are having a hard time in there. Plus theirs no perlite or very little bit so the roots in the long run wont be as oxygenated and will stunt his plants into pygmy's. Im not blaming you for your soil choice because I bet almost all soil growers tried miracle grow or even worse scotts.
ya man im gonna transplant either tomorrow or friday.. its growing new leaf sets its just not getting taller.. the stem has grown very little but all the leaves are growin and green .. i think the soil is crap for root growth like u said..


Active Member

The plant will be ok. All it needs is a re-pot in better soil. I'd go with 8inch pot's.
Watering; water when soil is dry 1-2inch below surface, Stick your finger in.
I'm using cfl's for my grow now, keep them close, 2-3 inches and a slight breeze blowing across them to keep her cool. monitor every 12hours though.

What light cycle are you using? I was going 24/7 untill 4weeks, So i'd suggest that too.
Be patient, stick to the above and she will shoot up!

Here is a few pic's of my current grow, snow white. i started to flower her at 1 month and that was 1 week ago.
Pic's are from seed to 1 month.

Keep me updated.
Grow on!


sensi ganja

people need to calm down. i use mg potting soil, mix with some bat guano, castings, and ash works great im 3 weeks in veg and its the best plant ive seen. growing extremely fast


Active Member
fox farm is a very good soil to use. u should be able to get some at your local hydroponic a first time grower and for you being a first time grower i would say that ur plant looks pretty good only thing i see wrong is the heighth of the plant its kinda short....the soil im using is hyponex and i have a friend who grew a great personal supply in that soil....its cheaper than the fox farm and i know for sure it works and my plants seem to be loving it so u can try that also.....


Well-Known Member
I used miracle grow on my first grow which is still going. I'm on my 6th week of flowering, the buds could be bigger but I'm still very happy with it since it was only bagseed.

Also its just a coincidence that I have a plant thats EXACTLY 10 days old to this day. Its a lowlife auto, don't know the strain since it came from a mixed pack though. This plant is also in miracle grow as is my female lowlife which is about 4 weeks old I think.



Well-Known Member
also..... it could be da strain = dont know bout u guys but i never seen of these in veg or flowering... just a thought.. drop a link if u can find autoflowering white russian cus i sure as hell cant find 1.. seed bank says 14 inches peace....


Well-Known Member
also..... it could be da strain = dont know bout u guys but i never seen of these in veg or flowering... just a thought.. drop a link if u can find autoflowering white russian cus i sure as hell cant find 1.. seed bank says 14 inches peace....

check my link and drop some advise for all the noob im at 24 days of 12/12 and i just got pistils out of it 5 days ago and that kind of pisses me off as well < click


Im sure the quality of soil can have an affect on the growth rate and yield, however different strains grow naturally in all corners of the globe, Im sure some strains can grow in sticks and rocks. Dollar store soil seems to work just fine, probably affects quality a bit, but i think its possible to have perfectly healthy plants in even the worst of soils.


Active Member
Absolutely. Keep in mind, weed is a weeeeeeed. This stuff grows anywhere. Definitely don't worry, if it started it'll roll right along. It might be marginally happier in better quality soil, sure, but I definitely wouldn't be afraid it'll die just because it's in MG soil. If it makes you feel any better, I just planted three seeds in MG. I'm planning to repot a few days after they sprout and get a leaf set or two anyway, so it's not really a biggie. Especially for an experimental first grow like yours. Looks great, enjoy it!


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. Keep in mind, weed is a weeeeeeed. This stuff grows anywhere. Definitely don't worry, if it started it'll roll right along. It might be marginally happier in better quality soil, sure, but I definitely wouldn't be afraid it'll die just because it's in MG soil. If it makes you feel any better, I just planted three seeds in MG. I'm planning to repot a few days after they sprout and get a leaf set or two anyway, so it's not really a biggie. Especially for an experimental first grow like yours. Looks great, enjoy it!
cool lookin forward to some pics ... what light u gonna use?