Slow Growth and Yellow Spots. Pics. up


Active Member
They just keep getting bigger. Anyhelp i can get with this would be awesome. i dont want to try the wrong thing and make it worse.



Active Member
i used a small amount of nutes and shortly after flushed my pots because the first big leaves that started to grow started to burn and that was before i transfered to 5gal buckets.

the link in my sig shows all of my plants. the others seem fine, one has droopy leaves but other than that the others are pretty good lookin.

the ph (unless both my testers are total shit) is somewhere between 6.3-6.8


Well-Known Member
awesome screen name. I was high the other day and thinking bout the movie airplane and those 2 black guys and how they were talking, you now jive turkey. anyway, you got nutes in that soil? looks more like burn than deficiency. also could be from overwatering, but dont know ur sched.


Active Member
i water every 3 or so days. my soil mix has alot of perlite and sand so it drys out sorta fast. but if i stick my finger down the edge of the pot and feel the soil and its still moist at all i wont water. the nutes in the soil are just what was in the the soil i used which was MG organic choice. about 1part mg 1part sand 1 part perlite 1/2 part peat


Well-Known Member
mg has be known to run very hot with their nute loads. u have proper drainage in those buckets? they look about a month old. when you transplanted, you still used the mg soil? if so, I wouldnt be using nutes for awhile and forget flushing, as this will releases alot of the nutes, unless you megaflush to try to get most of em out of the soil.


Active Member
alright. well i went with the "mg organic choice" cause it had the lowest nute content according to the bag and it didnt mention how it would "feed up to 3 months". since the top growth looks fine it should be ok if i just stick to the norm and dont add any nutes? Yes the buckets have good drainage. probably about 10 holes drilled in the bottom.

is there any good way to tell when i should water?


Well-Known Member
right, I would stick to whatever you were doing and dont add any nutes. maybe extend your watering by a day longer than what you normally do. your method is probably best for now, as most soil moiture meters suck balls. the best method is lift-pot method. they should grow out of it and would be concerned only if the burn continues.