Slow growth during flower?

Hey guys!

I’m In 4-5 weeks into flower, 3 girls In soil with 1x 250watt and 1x 600watt HID 12on 12off, growing in a spare room, No light leaks. Using kloom bloom for nutes.

Seems to be slow growth, I do see buds getting bigger and puffing out but no smell (only when I rub the stem) lots of long white hairs. Am I doing something wrong?
First time grower here :D
I’ve attached pics, sorry for the quality.



Well-Known Member
causes of "no smell" in flower:

over fed
over watered
poor drainage/substrate/root zone oxygen
too hot
too cold
High RH
malfunctioning bulb
air quality/flow/movement/exchange
mistaken nutrient dosing
poor water quality

check those items off your list and know its genetics

Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
Buds look small yet have patients im sure as time goes on they will smell.
If your in your house a lot you maybe nose blind to the smell to.
My plants...stink and my carbon filter isn't keeping up lol
causes of "no smell" in flower:

over fed
over watered
poor drainage/substrate/root zone oxygen
too hot
too cold
High RH
malfunctioning bulb
air quality/flow/movement/exchange
mistaken nutrient dosing
poor water quality

check those items off your list and know its genetics
Thanks for the list, I’ll check them over.
Why does growing have to be so hard! :(
I’m also experiencing yellow leaves, Would this go towards the over water?
Buds look small yet have patients im sure as time goes on they will smell.
If your in your house a lot you maybe nose blind to the smell to.
My plants...stink and my carbon filter isn't keeping up lol
I wish my girls smelt my house out. I’m home most days but when I stay out at night and come home a day later I smell nothing, Even when I walk into the room when the light come on first I smell nothing :(

Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
Wait to water your plants till you see the top of the soil dry.
Dry feeling about 1 inch down.
Yellow leaves can mean a few different things but if your watering to much that's prolly it.
If you see the yellowing leaves going up the plant then it maybe a problem.
It may also be a ph problem...

Also some strains don't smell...depends what it is.
Wait to water your plants till you see the top of the soil dry.
Dry feeling about 1 inch down.
Yellow leaves can mean a few different things but if your watering to much that's prolly it.
If you see the yellowing leaves going up the plant then it maybe a problem.
It may also be a ph problem...

Also some strains don't smell...depends what it is.
Yes that’s right, The yellow leaves are working it’s way to the top.
I’ll look into getting some cal/mag
Thanks. I’d like your post but I can’t see the like button anywhere


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the list, I’ll check them over.
Why does growing have to be so hard! :(
I’m also experiencing yellow leaves, Would this go towards the over water?
not hard at all if begun with a solid space to work with.
next time you water..ignore the soil surface, roots are not there anyways.
water until run off, gradually decreasing the amount until only a drop or two drain out.
measure the amount of water this takes. Continue only using this amount each time you water.
you wait until the soil at the bottom of the bag is crunchy dryer then water again using same amount.
if you see your leaves drooping, and at the same time you feel the bag is dryer, you should have watered yesterday is all.
dont worry I never seen a plant die from no water indoors, many though from too much

if in soil ignore cal mag additions. youre plants are too wet at the bottom currently to alow o2 to the root zone, let them dry out before watering again.