Slow growth - First time grower, please help!


I'm a first time grower and i bought 3 Northen Light x Big Bud seeds from World of Seeds, they are now about 3-4 weeks old and are very short.
Some also got a few brown spots on them and the bottom leafs on some are brown and are hanging down.
i water them a few times each week.

the PH of the soil is about 6-7.5 when i planted them.
i put them out every day when its sun and the temeprature is usualy about 15-25 and i dont grow inside, only outside, naturaly

here is a video with pictures so you can see the problem:

Thank you very much!


Well-Known Member
Try less water..they will tell you when they are thirsty. Drying out the soil properly will allow more air to get to the roots.


Well-Known Member
Also...I've been told by many experienced growers that most people use too much perlite. It is best used sparingly (5-10% by volume). Try just watering less first...


Active Member
Looks like your oxygen to water ratio is off, lack of air by the looks of it, remake your mix with more perlite and pack it less so there are air pockets for your plant to breath also suggest getting bigger pots looks like it will rootbound soon,



Well-Known Member
Its going well considering the low vegging temps. Dont worry about the spots its nothing. Why are there broken chopsticks in the soil?


Well-Known Member
When you said the temperture were you talking about Celsius or Fahrenheit? because if you did mean Fahrenheit those temps are way to low for cannabis plants.


Well-Known Member
The brown bottom leaf is nothing to worry about. It is a "seed leaf" that should have fallen off by now.

The plant in the video is stunted for 21-28 days in dirt. I chart the growth of all my grows and see that
my average 28-day old vegger is 24 inches tall with many more side branches than your plant. It is
difficult to diagnose from here, but I would guess part of your problem is lighting. Plants don't like to
be moved, especially twice a day. Your young plants should be getting 18-24 hours of uninterrupted light
in every 24 hour cycle. Your plants are undoubtably getting less than that and in uneven spurts, I bet.
Leave her in one place and see how she does.
