slow growth with t5 lights


Active Member
sorry guys. i wasn't hating on the t5's. these plants have been through hell. low temp stress, early sexing, transplanting. they're now 3 months old & only 9" tall. how much does forcing them to sex cause & how long to revert back?


Well-Known Member
normally about 3 weeks is all. next time you do it just cover a single branch with a paer bag for 12 hours. but 2 weeks to a month depending how fast you caught the sex. good luck to you


Active Member
thanks for all the help. i'm actually considering scrapping these & starting over. i've got all of my equipment up & ready to go now(start with a heat matt with 105w cfl, then the t5 for veg, then a 430w hps for flowering. all in seperate rooms) these plants were stuck in 2 " pots for too long.


Well-Known Member
yah i have 3 150 hpss going in my bedroom but i can't sleep in the heat and buzzing and fans so theyre gone after they finish in 3 weeks and all t5 from now on. the heat is too much for me. good luck


Well-Known Member
your plan sounds like it will spread the heat better throughout rooms. i can't do that here or i would. seeya


Well-Known Member
It'd probably still be faster to nurse these back to health than to restart from seed and wait for maturity. Maybe you have a root disease? Did you think about taking a clone and see how it does?


Active Member
i never thought about taking a clone. i try it & see how it goes.

1982grower: each of my rooms i heated indepenently. in my t5 room i have radiant heat under th floor. works great. no burnt leaves.


Well-Known Member
i need to cool my rooms be thankfull you have to heat. i'm in canada in the winter and have problems. good luck always


Active Member
you can flower under the fluoros but look at the bud on the first page it looks hella fluffy. to really put the weight on and get your yeilds up you have to have the hps. sorry ladies. But i will give the fluoros one thing they are great for veg. if you have enough light you can grow some crazy thick little bushes.


Active Member
i just found that my heater isn't working. geez, maybe that's why they're growing slow. i never checked temp. in room during dark hours til now. maybe this will help someone else out.


Well-Known Member
def could slow growth. its worth fixing. if you got the lights close than i don't know what else it could be.


New Member
i have a 6 lamp 4ft HOT5.. All I can say right now is that it DOES put out some heat. Havent used it long enough to comment on how well it works. I think the key word is "HOT" 5 lol.


Active Member
mine throw some heat too. it was 78-82 degrees in the room during daylight. that's why i didn't catch my heater failing. my lights are at 6" from tops now.


Active Member
i just fixed my heater. i checked the height of plants while i was in there & they grew 2" in 6 days & seem to be filling out on the bottom. what's normal growth rate?


Well-Known Member
oh thats hard to say. but if they sped up and you keep the conditions the same or improve it can only go faster. but in a month if you dont have a nice tree i would start over. chances are it will speed up a little more because it just got over the stress and you said you already noticed a diff. but can't tell you growth rate accurately.


Active Member
i wonder if there really is a "normal" growth rate. i'll give them a month to veg then i'll stick them under the hps in the flowering room. i'll probably pull some clones off them instead of starting with seed again. besides ive never tried cloning & it's a skill i'd love to have.


Well-Known Member
oh man youll clone fine. its easy. just keep things clean and tidy. there is a normal growth rate to a point and you'll find it after growing the same strain many times. but deff not possible for me to answer that question about your plants. just keep the same strain for a while and youll perfect it. you'll get clones the first time you try. good luck but you wont need it.


Active Member
i don't have a strain really. i used seeds of unknown origin but good commercial weed. is it really worth buying the good seeds or clones of some real killer. i've heard it's well worth the money.