Slow growth???


Well-Known Member
It's been 9 days since i planted im running 2 48" 40watt floros and a 26 and a 42 watt cfl a fan blowing on the plant lightly it's about 3 inches tall and has 3 leaves and the 4th is really tiny....I am having trouble keeping the temp below 85 some times higher...could this be why its growing so slow....I also had a problem with over watering the first couple of days i just got a mostiure meter yesterday and that works really well...The pic is from 2 days ago but i have added the 42 watt cfl since...Any help or comments would be great....the first pic is what the problem was with over watering...should it be bigger by now???



Well-Known Member
Yeah well those pics were taken just after i watered and i am using a mostiure meter now but do you think the plant would be okay to take out i wanted to put some perlite but im nervous


Well-Known Member
I have a 42 watt on a 3 way socket with the 42 watt over the plant and a 23 watt on the top socket i have the 42 watt about 8 inches away but i also have 2 48" 40 watt floros im kinda having a problem with heat....also should i keep my fan on 24/7???"


Active Member
Your 42 Watt at 8" is producing about 68,000 lux. Your 23 watt is producing about 40,000 lux. Exact amount depends on how many lumens they produce.

Those two are enough at that distance to keep your plant growing healthily.

Direct sunlight is 100,000 to 120,000 lux. More lux than that cannot be processed. Somewhere between 150,000 and 200,000 light toxicity sets in.

Symptoms of light toxicity are:
- Leaves turning from dark to light green as chlorophyll production decreases
- Leaves curling, twisting or bending to reduce the surface area exposed to the light
- Plant growth slows or stops, and may eventually die.

It looks like you are experiencing at least two of those symptoms.

I would recommend using just your 23 Watt light at around 4 to 5 inches away from your plant. Which will give you a bit above 100,000 lux, and save you some money on wattage. As the plant gets bigger, you'll need to add back your other lights.

Regarding temperatures:

I would try to keep temperatures no more than 85 degrees, but they should be able to handle up to 90 degrees, maybe a little more. I think somewhere around 80 is ideal.

I keep a small fan blowing on my plants for air circulation (carbon dioxide flow). I don't recommend too strong of a air current from your fan being blown directly on the plants. If they are too agitated, they'll be stressed.

Finally, in my experience, I can keep my room cooler by blowing hot air out, rather than attempting to blow cool air in.

After you fix the light and temperature issues, the plant should recover over a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Took some new pics today....One of the tips of the leaves looks like it burned and the 4th leaf thats comming in but its so slow comming in....not sure what im doing right or what im doing wrong...and the other pic is my new setup with the 42 watt cfl and 23watt and 2 40watt floros



Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT!!!! That makes soooo much sense now!!!! The leaves are totally curling....I thought that the more light the better!!! U sir are a life saver....That will fix my heat problem also...So your saying that in like a day or so they will be back to normal????


Active Member
Depends on the damage, but in my experience you will see improvement in a day and new good looking growth by three days.

Let me know how it goes, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Plants still kinds neon green...I've been watering when my meter goes into the red when i water it i keep it almost black but around 8...How long till it starts turning around??? Should i add some fert to it??? Like super thrive or something along those lines or is it still too early to add that it's now on week 2 and the guy at my hydro store said don't add anything for 2-3 weeks last week...What should i do??