Slow Seedling Growth... I feel stupid!


Well-Known Member
I've grown before, so I'm not a complete newb, but these seedlings have me confused!

Barney's Vanilla Kush, Feminized
Air temps of around 70-75, water temps stay in the mid to upper 60s
Humidity is around 45-50%
Growing in a closet, using a CFL light for now but I have a 600 watt MH/HPS with a 600cfm inline fan and carbon filter

Look at this seedling! It's about 2 weeks old and just seems to barely be growing. I had a seedling before that was growing this slow, and well, I had an accident when lifting up the netty pot and killed it. WHOOPS, but I didn't care because it was growing so slow I figured, I'll just germ another and we'll be good to go, except this one started out strong, popped the seed quick, and then it's like a turtle race. I've got plenty of air going around, I put a dash of superthrive in the water and only about 100ppm of nutes. Last grow I didn't use any nutes till about 2 weeks but with that grow I also have about 4 true sets of leaves by now.

Any ideas? I'm truly lost at this point... Bad genetics? Should I germ another and see what happens?

Roots popped out of netty pot about 2 days ago and are growing VERY slowly... The roots are only dangling outside of netty pot by about 1-2 inches... Nice and white, just SLOW...

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What type of cfl are you using? If you are using just a regular cfl they just won't grow as well as a hps or hid bulb. Put them in with the hps or hid and put them about a foot and a half away from them 24/7 and plenty of air and low heat and water and they will spring back up.


Well-Known Member
My last grow was with nothing but CFL's, so I consider myself an expert on CFLs lol. It's a regular 6500k CFL, 23 watt that's about 2 inches away from the top of the plant. With my last seedling that ended up being killed by me accidently, when I was growing it under the HID it was stretching. I read that seedlings should start out with CFL and then switch to HID once the second set of leaves comes in to prevent stretching. This issue can't be lighting though... I'm guessing it's either temp, humidity, or air...

Humidty in there RIGHT now is 39%, air is 70 degrees, and water temp is about 64 degrees... Something tells me the humidty should be higher... What about putting a dome over the seedling?


I am growing sum barney's vanilla kush and 2 died out of the blue, but the others are strong and big. I will just take clones from them and move on. Don't try to make weak plants grow they just slow down your other production. Get some fluorescent lighting and perk em back up.


Well-Known Member
Isn't that what a CFL is? Compact Fluorescent Lamp? I've watered from the top and put a dome over this girl to see if that does anything...


Well-Known Member
Investigated a bit more and saw that the roots are developing, but not outside of the net pot! There is one single root hanging out of the net pot, but when I looked up inside the net pot I saw the traditional roots with shoots all over. I guess it's just a waiting game before they pop all the way out and hopefully the growth will pick up then. I'm super tempted to try and pull the roots through like they're supposed to, but I see my hands twitching and ripping the roots off... That would be my luck... I'll just be patient I guess.