sluts and nice girls


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I am considered a slut by some for those panty shots XP I don't know about you but where I live 'slut' is a really harsh judgement, though it's often passed hypocritically to a silly degree.

Speaking of which, how come Dizzle Frost gets to keep his panties avatar? (It's pretty sweet, though)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Pretty much every woman you see on a saturday night has transformed themselves from a quite lovely looking girl into a skanky slut. I always smile at the boyfriends, they must feel like right plonkers @D

Once you're drunk it's always nice to wander upto one and remind them that if they dress and act like a hooker, they shouldn't get offended if people treat them as such :D Not been slapped yet heehee


Well-Known Member
Pretty much every woman you see on a saturday night has transformed themselves from a quite lovely looking girl into a skanky slut. I always smile at the boyfriends, they must feel like right plonkers @D

Once you're drunk it's always nice to wander upto one and remind them that if they dress and act like a hooker, they shouldn't get offended if people treat them as such :D Not been slapped yet heehee

People think it's weird when I say 'sexual harrassment' is often partly the woman's fault. The funny thing is though, the times I've been assaulted I was wearing cargo pants and a hoodie+ no makeup.

But one can bring that unwanted attention on themself. If I dress sexy (well, if I allow myself to try to be, I don't go out much...) I go for satin, corsetry, a modest neckline, and decadent ruffles, rather than short skirts, high heels, loud makeup or things with far too many holes cut in them. Classy sexy. (I hope)


Well-Known Member
Sluts are only good for one thing and that is to make sure you appreciate the few average janes. I guess the ratio would be around 90% sluts to 10% chill girls.


Active Member
To me a slut is just that, where as a nice girl, even the most prim and proper, has the tendency ability and at times desire to be "sluty". So as far as ratios go, I say it's 100% to the slut side.


Pickle Queen
LMFAO I prefer being a cyber whore, fewer STD's, and like anal u can't get knocked up ;) RFLMAO

Ok but honestly women will vary in the attention they seek, depending on how their childhood went( lo but true ) Properly raised women seek to connect emotionaly, and build a sexual relationship with their man, I REFUSE to even kiss a guy until atleast date 2 if we have just meet. I don't do random sex or one night stands, i get myself off quite well and will not depend on any man to bring me to orgasm, not his responsibility, I don't get the connection i seek from a man simply from sex, it's all the stuff b4 and after that truly make the act of sex enjoyable.
We can only blame society and the media for allowing our young women to think morals and roots are worthless fuckin Jersey shore, Hills wannabee generation can't even spell or talk properly anymore lmfao


Well-Known Member
lmfao i prefer being a cyber whore, fewer std's, and like anal u can't get knocked up ;) rflmao

ok but honestly women will vary in the attention they seek, depending on how their childhood went( lo but true ) properly raised women seek to connect emotionaly, and build a sexual relationship with their man, i refuse to even kiss a guy until atleast date 2 if we have just meet. I don't do random sex or one night stands, i get myself off quite well and will not depend on any man to bring me to orgasm, not his responsibility, i don't get the connection i seek from a man simply from sex, it's all the stuff b4 and after that truly make the act of sex enjoyable.
We can only blame society and the media for allowing our young women to think morals and roots are worthless fuckin jersey shore, hills wannabee generation can't even spell or talk properly anymore lmfao
i knew it.just a good girl...but i do love the slutty internet april..


Pickle Queen
She does make for some entertaining reading. We love you April.:hug:
awww luv u 2 muffin xoxoxox

DSB65 i already told u the verbal whore u make me out to be is ur private one, make her do as u please, mind fuck her nice and hard!!!


Well-Known Member
awww luv u 2 muffin xoxoxox

dsb65 i already told u the verbal whore u make me out to be is ur private one, make her do as u please, mind fuck her nice and hard!!!
ive mind fucked you a bunch girl....