Small amount of electrocution

As an electrician, we had to wire circuits hot. I was changing over the courthouse lighting to LED and encountered having to do the circuits hot because the courthouse had to continue its operations. As long as you don't complete the circuit to ground you will be OK. I had the sheriff walk in while I was doing a hot changout of a bunch of old T12 floro fixtures to newer LED and he walked up while I was on a latter and grabbed me and went BZZZZZZZZ, and I kinda freaked out for a second. He was just joking around but if he had a good path to ground and touched my skin while I was live we could have been both shocked. As long as you don't complete the path to ground you're all good. we used to change over electrical services hot and one time our master electrician "Don" was tying in a hot service on the roof of this house and it started to rain on us and he was like "I'm getting some vibrations on this so I need to finish up real quick".
PEE-lectrocuted! Reminds me of the 3rd grade, when there were still electric fences keeping neighboring livestock from going into the school playground/yard, which was moslty a big field.

Everyday at recess I would hide behind some trees and play with it. I even got 4-5 of the kids to come check it out. Found out that if we held hands, only the last person would get shocked, extra hard too, haha. We did it to one kid and he pissed his pants, and pretty sure his parents were more pissed than he was, and the school had to put up a new fence all the way around, haha.
PEE-lectrocuted! Reminds me of the 3rd grade, when there were still electric fences keeping neighboring livestock from going into the school playground/yard, which was moslty a big field.

Everyday at recess I would hide behind some trees and play with it. I even got 4-5 of the kids to come check it out. Found out that if we held hands, only the last person would get shocked, extra hard too, haha. We did it to one kid and he pissed his pants, and pretty sure his parents were more pissed than he was, and the school had to put up a new fence all the way around, haha.

I have electric fence on the top of 4 board fence for my sucks when it hits you as you mistakenly touch keeps the horses back from putting their heads over the fence, cribbing or fighting with other horses in the next paddock.
I do like watching my kids friends come over and touch it...they usually go to see the horses, grab the wire to lean against the fence and pulse pulse pulse... pulse pulse pulse...usually they let go after that...that and showing em how a match burns twice...good times
Back in the day - shock pens / itching powder / black soap / fake shit / “ x-ray glasses “ / shocking packs of gum / pens that shot ink.

Favorite was exploding cigars.

Those were the days.
They had those expandable fart bomb packages that were pretty wicked. Nothing like the little glass vials though, that contained a liquid. Noxious af. Lets just say they had to evacuate half the school building a few times. A uhh, friend of mine would go in the bathroom, and put them under the toilet seat lids. That way they crack when someone sits down. :bigjoint:
I have electric fence on the top of 4 board fence for my sucks when it hits you as you mistakenly touch keeps the horses back from putting their heads over the fence, cribbing or fighting with other horses in the next paddock.
I do like watching my kids friends come over and touch it...they usually go to see the horses, grab the wire to lean against the fence and pulse pulse pulse... pulse pulse pulse...usually they let go after that...that and showing em how a match burns twice...good times
Sucks balls (literally) when you piss on one, haha. I've been zapped directly in the balls a few times too, climbing over them. I grew up around farm/ranches/horses. Lots of fun around the fire pit on weekends, and many lost bets, lol.