Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal


Ok first of all hey all this site is awesome and i have found everything that i need to finally start my first grow so here it is... Just got some bag seed 1 out of five germed so im hoping shes a beauty!!! The grow box i have is 15''x13''x10'' so should be big enough for one plant with LST. I have 2 27 watt 5500k CLFs with an exhaust fan hooked up with a DIY Carbon Filter. Just planted today so should be a few days till it sprouts ill post more pics when it does. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Peace and Love:peace:



Active Member
aww it looks like my first grow...have fun bout a little more reflective walls if using aluminum foil the non shinny side


Haha yea i will!! Im gonna get some mylar to put up around everything i've read that its better than aluminum foil...?


Active Member
it can take anywhere from a day to like a week or so...depends on the seed really...even if it takes awhile doesnt mean its a bad seed either just takes a min to get to the far did you put it in the soil...i usally do to the first nuckle on ur finger down like 3/4''


oh ok i only put it in about 2 seeds deep is that to close to the top?

And what about nutes when should i start adding them in?


Well-Known Member
Whens the best time to water again? Should i wait till the top is dry or until the whole thing is dry?
seedlings require minimum amount of water for the first week, when it pops up make sure the soil is moist and that should be good for 5-7 days. i usually water 1 week after the pop up, then wait another week to water again but this time with nutes.


Active Member
Until it sprouts out of the soil keep it damp (the top). That should be deep enough the root will grow straight down.

Nutes depend on what type of soil your in. Either way no nutes for a few weeks at least. What soil did you use? Did you mix in Perlite?

Good luck:bigjoint:


k ill mist the top thanks

I know that a lot of growers dont like it but i used miracle grow potting soil

i cant wait to see those little leaves!!!


Active Member
Miracle Grow gets a bad name because its not the best but, it works. Problem is it has a lot of nutes in it already, too much for a seedling. If it's not too late I would at least get some MG Seed Starter and Perlite to mix in with it. Transplant your seed into that for initial growth. Or better go to your local hydro shop and get FoxFarm Light Warrior, its expensive but worth it.

If you stick with the Miracle Grow your in now she should grow but don't add nutes for a long, long time.


Thanks ill hold off on the nutes then for a couple of weeks, this is my first grow so i do appreciate the tips

I feel like the best way to learn is to exp it first hand

My next grow ill use a better medium without a lot of nutes in it


Active Member
Thanks ill hold off on the nutes then for a couple of weeks, this is my first grow so i do appreciate the tips

I feel like the best way to learn is to exp it first hand

My next grow ill use a better medium without a lot of nutes in it

I agree, that's how I am learning too. Just jump in and learn as you go. Plus all the pros on here are more than ready to answer questions. Good luck bro:bigjoint:


Thanks man yea everyone on here is really cool about helpin out.:mrgreen:

So should i leave the lights on 24/0 cuz i have them on 18/6 right now


Active Member
For seedlings 24 hours a day. After that the jury is still out lol. I have read both sides of the story on 24/0 or 18/6 and both make sense. The one thing I read is the plants will only use 20-22 hours of light on a 24 hour cycle. With high power HID's it seems like everyone goes 18/6 for vegging because of power usage and simulating mother nature along the way.


yea ive read that the dark period also gives the plants a chance to rest i dont know how credible that is lol

but yea i will deff switch to 24/0 till the sprout thanks


Alright so day 2 after planting and she's out of the soil!!!

Should i switch to 18/6 now or keep it on 24/0 and i have a slight temp prob too its staying at a constant 80*F im workin on getting an intake fan will that help???

And should the shell still be on the plant???



Can someone please tell me if there is a way to drop the temp and if i need to be worried about the shell still being on the plant??