Small batch soil mix

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready to start my second grow and was wondering if I could get any advice on how to make a small batch, enough to fill 2 5 gallon pots, of organic soil using products I can get at basic places like wal mart or lowes/ home depot. I don't need a "super soil", just something that a beginner can mix up and get a decent grasp of how to grow organic.


Think no matter what, your gonna end up with more than 10 gallons worth of stuff. May want to search around for soiless recipes. My recipe is nearly 50 gallons & is stored on garbage containers, watered and turned until it's time to make a new mix. I use Sunshine #4, worm castings, blood meal, green sand, kelp meal & some other odds and ends. It's all about getting the amounts right. Don't want to make it too hot. Experimentation is the only thing that worked for me. Sorry, wish I could give you a better idea. Other option is to just go get a bad of soil & go for it. Foxfarms products are great.

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
I guess that's what i'm gonna have to do I don't have the room to store that much mix so i guess i'll be making a trip to Little Rock to the hydro store for FF. I enjoy making my own stuff from scratch but it'll have to wait a while I guess.