Small buds lower on the plant ready to harvest, but tops still not frosty. What up?

So Hi

Dude I don't mean to keep correcting you but indica's usually are done flowering around 8 weeks with most sativas not going 15 weeks . Are you talking about vegatation stage and flowering stage. Because Hes's asking for help and your confusing.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Just flushed princess. When I went to the case one of them seemed to have lots its will to live. All droopy so I flushed her & her sister & will check tomorrow & see how they look.

If their happy I will leave them & watch the tich's. If their still droopy I should chop before the lose potency?

Their sleeping right now so I can't take photo's. Will update tomorrow


Active Member
u can drop daytime hours to 8 from 12 , that will speed up a bit the maturity prosces and if the plant still producing trichs it will produce more , it will get in a state were it will thing that the flowering period passed winter came and it left behind so it will have to speed up the proscess

dont look for pistols they can kill u , pistils gonna make u high

in general dont hung on ones opinion he may sound hes right but he doesnt speak about hes weed , its ur weed , ur high make critical thinging before judging , for instance dont just go and drop light hours cause of somebody suggest it on a forum , make ur research ( google is our friend ) and do things that u know not just because uve been told by some1 that only SEEMS hes knowing what he speaks off

its not just growing techiques what u ll aknoledged with , its the whole way of thinking green what u eventually will gain ( the right way )

do researches , do mistakes BUT learn out of them

btw change the emoticon on ur thread from :( to :) cause U DID IT and for the 1st time u did it pretty good

try to use flash on the close ups


Well-Known Member
heres where i come from. These pictures were hard to take but i will start a bloom journal soon with them. There are two plants inside of a Roots organics 20 gal gro bag with ph neatral soil fertilized right now mith Massice bloom LF 1-1.5-2.8 and a honeywell windtunnel fan blowing on a 1000w metal halide bt-56 (I have a 6" vortex 452 cfm fan but it is way too loud and powerful.) I will try to be modest but im only a man, and these are just my bedroom personals. I have more elsewhere. I am in my 14th week of growth not counting germination. I changed lighting cycles after the first 6 weeks. I have a rubbermaid lid underneath my soil bag so i can tell when to water it by checking the absorption. You may not be able to see it very well but it is white and crusty and would take more pics but the light is too hot and I have my twelve hour night cylce going in my bedroom at night while I sleep. That way I dont risk burning my place down while im at work. Also I have Diamond diffused reflective hot spot matting at the centers of the hottest spot of my light patterns. Its so freaking bright ill take more after the lights turned off tommorrow. Im glad you decided to solve your dilamna by flushing it, but you may soon see the drawbacks of it. maybe not either way. here be some pics..



Well-Known Member
Ok. Just flushed princess. When I went to the case one of them seemed to have lots its will to live. All droopy so I flushed her & her sister & will check tomorrow & see how they look.

If their happy I will leave them & watch the tich's. If their still droopy I should chop before the lose potency?

Their sleeping right now so I can't take photo's. Will update tomorrow
That's a good start. Keep an eye on them, and go from there. Also, they won't be perkly tomorrow, they'll still be droopy, but on their way to perking up. Be patient, it'll happen in a couple days.

Also, you don't have to worry about losing potency. Trichs don't get re-absorbed by the plant. Unless you knock them off yourself, they're there to stay. Keep an eye on them to start turning amber, and them you'll know exactly where your at. The THC won't degrade, until awhile after they start turning.(I'm not getting into You have plenty of time yet.


Well-Known Member
So, since I flushed them, should I start seeing the brown tips (the nuit burn) disappear? At this point will new leaves grow or will the buds just continue to swell?

Being week 10 or 11 of flowering I must be getting close to chop. The flush may have been academic. May not be time for the plants to get over the burning but the buds will be cleared of any unused nuits so better tasting?

So close.. So So close...

I tried a bud off each plant (I snipped them off last week) and it was nice. Very heady, once again.. no sleepy.. which is what I was looking for.

I think I asked this before, but if the buds I tried already were to my liking.. will the rest of the plant be the same or can buds from the same plant be different?


Active Member
u dont flush to take the burn away ( theres no way to do that ) u flush so to make the smoke taste better / natural

i think u already said that they have stoped growing so u have already answer that :p , as long as they stay on the plant the buds will become more seductive but u havent reached the max yet , the bud matures on the prossces of drying and even curing , the end product will not be excactly as what u tasted , u mean that what u were looking for was energetic uplifting high right ?

indoors flactuation of bud quality/head is great


Well-Known Member
(A) So, since I flushed them, should I start seeing the brown tips (the nuit burn) disappear? At this point will new leaves grow or will the buds just continue to swell?

(B) Being week 10 or 11 of flowering I must be getting close to chop. The flush may have been academic. May not be time for the plants to get over the burning but the buds will be cleared of any unused nuits so better tasting?

So close.. So So close...

I tried a bud off each plant (I snipped them off last week) and it was nice. Very heady, once again.. no sleepy.. which is what I was looking for.

(C)I think I asked this before, but if the buds I tried already were to my liking.. will the rest of the plant be the same or can buds from the same plant be different?
A) No, the damage won't heal. The leaf tips will stay burnt. You might see a little growth spurt, possibly some new pistils sprouting, but not much difference, I'm assuming. It's too close to being finished, for that. Hopefully, the buds will continue to swell. Mainly, your just stopping any damage from getting worse, by refreshing the medium.

B) There's much debate over that subject, and I'm not sure about it, myself. At any rate, I think there's some truth to it, although I do believe some flush too early, stalling their plant, prematurely. Personally, I like depriving them of nitrogen, to get the chlorophyll levels down, but that's about it. Everything else stays, even if only in small amounts. I haven't been growing for a real long time, and am still fine-tuning, myself. If I manage to keep them from overfert, or yellowing early, I'm a happy Sometimes, I flush during the last 2-3 days, but nirmally, I switch over to straight water for the last 7-10 days, and that's works great, as long as I know I don't have an excessive nute problem, beforehand. I'd rather flush at the beginning of flowering, keep the nutes under control, then avoid the flush at the end. IDK, still experimenting, I

C) The buds that are more mature(getting the most light intensity), will be more potent, and have a higher amber/clear ratio than the lower budsites. Some guys harvest the main colas, then put the rest back under the light, and let it finish up. So,...yes, there is a difference. Whether you or I would be able to distinguish it as anything other than a potency variation, IDK. I'm not a connoisseur, so I doubt the difference in energy level would be the obvious. I always keep the best for myself, then sell the crap to my buddies, so, I may never know. Honestly, I hope :wink:

P.S. I've been awake for 24 hours, and probably left a bunch of stuff out. Just keep that in mind, when reading. I'm too tired to proofread, atm.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
The reason I reccomended you shouldnt is because your soil creates a barrier between your roots and the water you feed it so your roots can aerate and take in oxygen. When you "flush" your plants you suffocate your roots by preventing osmosis from occurring because their is no air space between the roots and your soil. and since you still have another 3 weeks before harvest, you may miss out on some essential oil production in your blossoms. maybe not. Think positive


Well-Known Member
^Agreed, BUT, if your medium has sufficient drainage, that really isn't an issue. With excellent drainage, the roots won't be suffering for more than a few hours, and longer, proportionately effected, with decreased drainage efficiency.


Well-Known Member
THey both seem to be perked up...

Now, so close to chop, would I give them anything at this point? Like Molasses or am I clearing them out for the kill?


Well-Known Member
^Contrary to popular opinion, molasses won't do anything for the flavor, because there isn't enough time for the sugars to break down and become useable to the plant. It will provide a mild dose of nutes, though, which'd be a good thing, at this point. You could go with molasses, a weak fert mix, or just plain water.The choice is your's. If they're really green, I'd go with the water, but only if it's not much longer than a week. Longer than that, and I'd feed them something.


Active Member
yo man hows he ladys ? keep us tuned , i hate when ppl close to harvest disapear and reapear when they have smoked it all and go for another crop :p have u done 2nd flush ? , once u flushed with much water u just have to water with plain water now on


Well-Known Member
Haven't disappeared. Just haven't had a chance to take pictures.

I harvested the lower buds on the one plant. I took a mason jar full (no idea what that weight is). I left all the big buds on to continue to change color. I've done nothing with the other plant yet. I did the flushing just once. I have watered it one time since (not sure it needed it but I was nervous) I have noticed that since I flushed, the one plant's leaves are turning white at the tips. Like the colors fading.

I'm going to keep an eye on it & I will try to skip home at lunchtime & snap some photos.

One thing. By taking the lower buds off you can really see the LST. The stalk looks like something out of Tim Burtons mind. All twisted & warped..

The buds should be ready to try tonight or tomorrow.


Active Member
gj go on , i hope u dried them 1st before u puted them in the jar , when uwill cut the top buds dont cut the seperatelly , but instead cut the whole plant and let it dry alltogether it will take one or 2 days more but this way the buds will continue to mature , try not to water too much , the plant that is taken off the lower buds will definatelly need more days between waterings

as about the fading of rge leaves , thats a bit normal but it indicates that u have starved it a bit meaniung u lefted it without food more time than it should , its not a big deal the worse it can happen is to rot and loose the top buds ( just kidding m8 :p ) next time ull know untill when to feed ( 7 days to 14 before harvest )

im w8ing for a smoke preview :p


Well-Known Member
I pulled them off on Friday. Dried them on a screen & just put them in the jar last night. I opened the jar this morning & they were wet again so I left the lid off. Last thing I want is mold.

When I watered them this morning, I put about 1/2 strength fish emulsion liquid fert. Not enough to do any over feeding but at least she's got something there to munch on.

Want to try to keep her happy..

I figure I will chop the rest of the one plant down this week but once I post pictures of my last princess, I would like to get an opinion on whether she's ready or not.

To me, it looks like the large one I haven't touched is a week or 2 away from being ready. I suspect I stunted her growth with the M.G. nuit burn.

I did try a bud off her 2 weeks ago & it was nice & heady. I harvested on 3 weeks ago & its nice & heady so I wanted this one to go a little longer to get more body buzz. Its Northern Lights I've been growing.


Active Member
man fish emolusion is the least u want to throw when u are close to harvest :p if it was a true nl it should be ready from week 6 to 7 so we speak for the exception here and u still got time to reflush it , since u feed her again feed her normally but u want see much diference either way , next time try to get a known and stable gen pool , i remeber my 1st grow when i grown by accident and everything went better than smooth , on the second time when i thought i knew it all about i feld upon a stupid pool of gens that made me nuts :p


Well-Known Member
When I say they are N.L. that's what the guy at the counter told me :) I really have no way of telling the actual genetics. I'm on week 11 or 12 of flowering so I think its way over for actual N.L. MIght be some sort of sativa strain. Perhaps you will be able to tell from the pictures.

Gotto go home at lunch. KIds at school & wifey doing yard duty..

My mission, if I choose to accept. Is to get in & out with out being seen by any of the occupants of my home. Surveillance shows that wife & kids are out of the picture.. Only wild card is the 70 year old retired dad who lives in my basement... Will have to use my best ninja skills...

Will keep mission control updated as to my status...

This post will self distruct in 5 seconds.. 4...... 3..... 2...

Wow.. am I stoned...


Active Member
the nl strains have a similiar height of urs but they look a bit more compact/denser otherwise the bud itself looks like a nl

wow dude u do that in family house but with rules inverted ! u are the father instead of beeing the son id say cool.carl :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. since mom died, life's taken a bit of a disruptive turn. As A teenager you hide it from your parents as a parent you hide it from your kids.

I have to hide it from everyone :) Very good at the stealth grow I guess. Must have the smell thing down pat too :)

The wife knows. She doesn't smoke or drink but doesn't care that I do.