Small buds ?


Active Member
I'm not saying there aren't any big buds all I'm saying is there's these small buds you know through out the whole plant, all of them. There real small and lots of orange hairs. I looked at the trics through the 30 x scope and there still clear. I just don't see anymore growth and I'm about to flush them useing final phase. I read that there going to grow even more after the flush? I thought when the hairs turn orange that's it? Any feedback will be sweet. How can I get bigger buds?
I'm not saying there aren't any big buds all I'm saying is there's these small buds you know through out the whole plant, all of them. There real small and lots of orange hairs. I looked at the trics through the 30 x scope and there still clear. I just don't see anymore growth and I'm about to flush them useing final phase. I read that there going to grow even more after the flush? I thought when the hairs turn orange that's it? Any feedback will be sweet. How can I get bigger buds?
never mind the hairs bro keep that scope handy go by the trics!!!plunty of exampls on riu....alot of things will contribute to bigger buds 1st being bigger light but at the same time if room isnt dialed correctly humidty,nutes,pots,exc... then a bigger light isnt being put to its most effective use, if this is ur first grow u now have a basis and work from that and learn from ur mistakes good luck...just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
the smaller buds are prolly lower on the plant and thats due to light not strong enough or big enough light just make sure next time u fix that problem no way to fix it now sorry


yeah you cant have all the buds be gigantic (altho that would be awesome) couple of huge ones at the top, then smaller ones as you get to the base...xgrow is right, tons of possible factors...i'd start with light by putting the light as close as possible to your plants... while making sure you aren't burning them....i think 50 percent red/orange hairs at the top of the bud indicates that the plant is ready to be harvested


Active Member
They now look as if mabey there growing more white hairs again is that possible. And oh yea there are some big buds !! I just would like to get it were all are big buds. I just picked up final phase and will be flushing for 10 days starting Monday ! Hey if I got some pictures can anyone tell if they look done?