Small budz last day of week 5? New light time? Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Help im looking for help here and ready to humble myself amount the masters....I am on my last day of week 5 in growing runtz,20211217_115654.jpg wedding cake 20211217_115619.jpg. and sky walker og20211217_115427.jpg

I'm waiting in the parking lot whole my wife is at the doctor so forgive me for shitty photo choices...but thats not the issue...
So details20211217_115551.jpg

Tomorrow will he the first day of the 6th week after switch to 12-12....maybe only like 4 1/2 since baby buds started showing....the air temperature is approximately 70-80 degrees F maybe close to night it drops for 50-60 degrees I leave s window open. And monitor..... humidity is 30-45% floating sometimes lower never Higher cept n veg tent..
Ph is sometimes as low as 5.3 but I raise it and try to keep it around 5.6-5.8 my other grows it would fluctuate trending upwards but not it trends down I usually raise it slightly daily or add water....

I've been trying to get the ppm over 1000 at this point at a 3 to 1 bloom to micro/grow ratio (gh makes a 3 part formula) and last week I added some liquid Kool bloom. I know I'm definitely too crowded and I think I went too heavy on defoliatiin a week in so ago.

I'm using a spider farmer 2000w claims 1516 ppfd umol/m² and some ouiuxc bullshit light that puts out only 417 umols I dunno what ppfd is but im not getting what I want out of my lights.

I want to buy this HLG 350r 330w draw and set up a 2nd 4x2 area for 4 more plants so I'll have more lights and better spacing.....

My question is lights my only problem..?
I know genetics but since I can only control what I can control what can I do different? I'm going to increase spacing and wattage am I missing something? I would appreciate suggestions, thanks


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Here are some more photos...I still have like 4 to 5 weeks of growth I believe's some other photos...I think I could have done better chopping larf and shit at the bottom here's the wedding cake20211217_110837.jpg

The runtz20211217_115304.jpg
Sky walker20211217_115256.jpg

Next grow im gonna focus on less strains with my new light....ive got some blue whale which is blue dream and true kush hybrid and I really liked the wedding cake so im gonna grow those two strains..what do you think?


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Yeah it’s a mess down there lol. But that’s okay. Larf can be great when you extract.

I don’t see anything wrong. You still have loads of time left. So plenty of growth to come. Your buds are prolly just small due to lower temps and maybe light deficient. Other than that. Grow them bad babies out. Looks healthy.
How aggressive did you defoliate? My buddy loves to defoliate alot mid flower and I've noticed his has tiny buds compared to mine and I literally use like 1/4 the power of lights. I'm no scientist but I feel like plants need fan leaves in flower to get thicker. Probably bro science but whatever.
How aggressive did you defoliate? My buddy loves to defoliate alot mid flower and I've noticed his has tiny buds compared to mine and I literally use like 1/4 the power of lights. I'm no scientist but I feel like plants need fan leaves in flower to get thicker. Probably bro science but whatever.
Fan leaves work more as a reserve of nutrition and the ability to run the whole process of photosynthesis. So I guess in a way. They would go hand and hand to maintain health and keep it at its ceiling. But think dense buds come from 1. Genetics 2. Good environment. 3 proper practice.
My opinion.. You have two many branches, lowers, and tops.

Either shave the legs and focus more on the canopy or if plant count is not an issue fill up your space with many more smaller plants.
Fan leaves work more as a reserve of nutrition and the ability to run the whole process of photosynthesis. So I guess in a way. They would go hand and hand to maintain health and keep it at its ceiling. But think dense buds come from 1. Genetics 2. Good environment. 3 proper practice.

Def agree with genetics and environment. My thoughts are that if you constantly come in and strip leaves from a plant while it's flowering, it's going to cause stress even if minimal. I want my flowers to focus on flowering, know what I mean? Lol
How aggressive did you defoliate? My buddy loves to defoliate alot mid flower and I've noticed his has tiny buds compared to mine and I literally use like 1/4 the power of lights. I'm no scientist but I feel like plants need fan leaves in flower to get thicker. Probably bro science but whatever.

No it's not broscience. Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves. Photosynthesis is the process that creates food that's available to the plant. Removing leaves reduces photosynthesis which equals less food. More food makes bigger flowers. That's real science.

It's a "Beating a dead horse" topic. I'm not interested in getting into a debate on how less leaves = bigger flowers. I'll stick with actual science. Others can believe anything they want.
How aggressive did you defoliate? My buddy loves to defoliate alot mid flower and I've noticed his has tiny buds compared to mine and I literally use like 1/4 the power of lights. I'm no scientist but I feel like plants need fan leaves in flower to get thicker. Probably bro science but whatever.
I went HAM...I found a little powder Mold on some of the fan leaves......So i Upped the circulation and freaking wet to town......let me try and find a before picture
No it's not broscience. Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves. Photosynthesis is the process that creates food that's available to the plant. Removing leaves reduces photosynthesis which equals less food. More food makes bigger flowers. That's real science.

It's a "Beating a dead horse" topic. I'm not interested in getting into a debate on how less leaves = bigger flowers. I'll stick with actual science. Others can believe anything they want.

This quoted post is 100% bro science.
It's not a debate. Post a link or shut up. I'll start.
Def agree with genetics and environment. My thoughts are that if you constantly come in and strip leaves from a plant while it's flowering, it's going to cause stress even if minimal. I want my flowers to focus on flowering, know what I mean? Lol
FACTS....I only did it I'm a pothead...but an inexperienced grower....and for maybe two weeks I noticed what looked like small ashes on some of the fan I stopped smoking near my plants....a week later when I saw it again.,.I googled it....thank god for me being in a legal state...I was able to have one of the workers at a local plant nursery come by and they recommended liquid copper spray....increased circulation, and defoliation....everywhere that light couldn't reach I should get rid of....which was a hard thing to get myself to do!..Just the thought of wasting weed..
...We make edibles so the larf is put to good use, I just gotta make sure I'm careful to focus on growing the best buds not alter what i'm doing too much....LMAO mom's be mad as shit if she can't her brownies!!!
This quoted post is 100% bro science.
It's not a debate. Post a link or shut up. I'll start.
Damn bro why we gotta bring those types of vibes in here... I'm just looking for some conversation and opinions...I mean didn't I ask for suggestions and help? ..BUT with that out the way....thanks I'm about to soak up this information. Even though you just jumped in the room looking to drop some "bro-science" critique and not really even reading the question...I basically wanted to know if my choice for another light (HLG {Horticulture Lighting Group }350R) was a good one- if it were necessary for the space I have, if anybody had similar needs and requests - I thought this was the kind of place people who didn't have a ton of experience came to and asked questions and shared thoughts about what they I in the wrong place for that?

Defoliation had a significant influence on branch production per plant and the result indicated that all defoliated plants produced greater branches per plant than control (Table 1). The highest branches per plant were observed in 6 leaves defoliated plant (4.00) followed by3 leaves defoliated plant (3.79) with the same statistical rank. In contrast, the lowest branches per plant were recorded in the control plant (3.13 per plant). Increased branch number in the defoliated plants might be due to for recovery of leaf loss by producing more branches. Andriolo et al. (2001) reported that there was an increase in branch number with increased defoliation
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This quoted post is 100% bro science.
It's not a debate. Post a link or shut up. I'll start.

You're the one that should have shut up instead of opening your mouth.

You post a link about growing fruit not flowers. But since you don't know anything about science you wouldn't understand. If you want to chop off all your leaves you're free to do it but please don't spread that extreme defoliation bullshit as many new growers actually do that crap and end up screwing up their grow.

It's obvious that you haven't even bothered to read that study you posted. They cut off 6 leaves from the base. Nothing close to the defoliation being used by some cannabis growers. The study you linked to showed that defoliation of more than 6 leaves resulted in a lower yield of fruit.

Go back and actually read that study and you'll see that minor defoliation increased fruit yield but after that the yield started to decrease from the control plants. Look at Tables 1, 2, and 3.

Fruit yield: Defoliations had significant effect on fruit yield per
plant (Table 3). Result revealed that fruit yield increased over
control up to 6 leaves defoliated plants and thereafter
decreased significantly.
The higher fruit yield was recorded in
control, 3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants and the highest fruit
weight was recorded in 3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants
(1.70 kg per plant). In contrast, the lowest fruit yield was
recorded in 12 leaves defoliated plants
(1.19 kg per plant). The
result indicates that tomato plant can tolerant up to 6 leaves
loss during flowering. The fruit yield per plant increased under
3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants was due to greater number of
fruits per plant and larger fruit size compared to control

Based on the experimental results, it may be concluded
that the defoliation of up to 6 leaves from base had no
significant negative influence on plant characters and fruit
yield of tomato even increased yield over control in 3 and 6
leaves defoliated plants."

You show up and try and discredit me with some study you didn't even bother to read. You failed. That study also has nothing to do with cannabis but a tomato which is a fruiting plant. That study also showed a slight increase with mild defoliation basically cutting off the bottom leaves and nothing even close to the extreme defoliation you are pushing.

Broscience comes from people like you. Next time you need a lesson feel free to send me a direct message. The only thing you started was embarrassing yourself.

Calling photosynthesis broscience just shows how much ignorance is out there.
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You're the one that should have shut up instead of opening your mouth.

You post a link about growing fruit not flowers. But since you don't know anything about science you wouldn't understand. If you want to chop off all your leaves you're free to do it but please don't spread that extreme defoliation bullshit as many new growers actually do that crap and end up screwing up their grow.

It's obvious that you haven't even bothered to read that study you posted. They cut off 6 leaves from the base. Nothing close to the defoliation being used by some cannabis growers. The study you linked to showed that defoliation of more than 6 leaves resulted in a lower yield of fruit.

Go back and actually read that study and you'll see that minor defoliation increased fruit yield but after that the yield started to decrease from the control plants. Look at Tables 1, 2, and 3.

Fruit yield: Defoliations had significant effect on fruit yield per
plant (Table 3). Result revealed that fruit yield increased over
control up to 6 leaves defoliated plants and thereafter
decreased significantly.
The higher fruit yield was recorded in
control, 3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants and the highest fruit
weight was recorded in 3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants
(1.70 kg per plant). In contrast, the lowest fruit yield was
recorded in 12 leaves defoliated plants
(1.19 kg per plant). The
result indicates that tomato plant can tolerant up to 6 leaves
loss during flowering. The fruit yield per plant increased under
3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants was due to greater number of
fruits per plant and larger fruit size compared to control

Based on the experimental results, it may be concluded
that the defoliation of up to 6 leaves from base had no
significant negative influence on plant characters and fruit
yield of tomato even increased yield over control in 3 and 6
leaves defoliated plants."

You show up and try and discredit me with some study you didn't even bother to read. You failed. That study also has nothing to do with cannabis but a tomato which is a fruiting plant. That study also showed a slight increase with mild defoliation basically cutting off the bottom leaves and nothing even close to the extreme defoliation you are pushing.

Broscience comes from people like you. Next time you need a lesson feel free to send me a direct message. The only thing you started was embarrassing yourself.

Calling photosynthesis broscience just shows how much ignorance is out there.

Bro science comes from people like you talking out your ass without any proof at all.
You think it works like that, post proof.
I didn't say whether defoliation has any affect at all on cannabis. I just pointed out that there is work to be done.
You don't know, I don't know.
I do. It’s called photosynthesis. And that shit was scientifically proven ages ago.
here’s a link

learned this in elementary school.