You're the one that should have shut up instead of opening your mouth.
You post a link about growing fruit not flowers. But since you don't know anything about science you wouldn't understand. If you want to chop off all your leaves you're free to do it but please don't spread that extreme defoliation bullshit as many new growers actually do that crap and end up screwing up their grow.
It's obvious that you haven't even bothered to read that study you posted. They cut off 6 leaves from the base. Nothing close to the defoliation being used by some cannabis growers. The study you linked to showed that defoliation of more than 6 leaves resulted in a lower yield of fruit.
Go back and actually read that study and you'll see that minor defoliation increased fruit yield but after that the yield started to decrease from the control plants. Look at Tables 1, 2, and 3.
Fruit yield: Defoliations had significant effect on fruit yield per
plant (Table 3). Result revealed that fruit yield increased over
control up to 6 leaves defoliated plants and thereafter
decreased significantly. The higher fruit yield was recorded in
control, 3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants and the highest fruit
weight was recorded in 3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants
(1.70 kg per plant). In contrast, the lowest fruit yield was
recorded in 12 leaves defoliated plants (1.19 kg per plant). The
result indicates that tomato plant can tolerant up to 6 leaves
loss during flowering. The fruit yield per plant increased under
3 and 6 leaves defoliated plants was due to greater number of
fruits per plant and larger fruit size compared to control
Based on the experimental results, it may be concluded
that the defoliation of up to 6 leaves from base had no
significant negative influence on plant characters and fruit
yield of tomato even increased yield over control in 3 and 6
leaves defoliated plants."
You show up and try and discredit me with some study you didn't even bother to read. You failed. That study also has nothing to do with cannabis but a tomato which is a fruiting plant. That study also showed a slight increase with mild defoliation basically cutting off the bottom leaves and at nothing even close to the extreme defoliation you are pushing.
Broscience comes from people like you. Next time you need a lesson feel free to send me a direct message. The only thing you started was embarrassing yourself.
Calling photosynthesis broscience just shows how much ignorance is out there.