Small bugs and leaf spots (with pictures)

Hello I am a new member to rollitup, although I've been reading through the forums for about a month now this is my first post. I'm hoping someone can take some time to help me out with a couple problems.
So first things first last week I noticed some small bugs on my plants. One was light brown with stripes and the other type were orange. (In my last attached pic the brown bug is almost centered in the photo and the orange bug is barely visible on a leaf behind the brown one)
So seeing these guys I decided to spray my plants with a light dose of neem oil. It seemed to keep them down for a couple days but did not rid them completely and they are now back in full force. They are scattered on the leaves, stem, and in the soil. If i try to smash them with my fingers they usually jump away before a can get them. So my first question is what are these little things? Are they good or bad?
My next issue is I have been noticing small little slits, holes and some discoloration on some of the leaves I understand the plants aren't going to be perfect but a couple spots look like somethings either feasting on my plant or there is some sort of leaf decay/deficiency going on. (The next three pictures show the leaf issues)
I am a new gardner but I love to learn. Any knowledge, help, advice, would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Need some better photos of the bugs in order to tell, but definitely something is munching! Keep up with your neem oil treatments. You can't expect them to go away after just once. They'll eventually die/want to find a new home/feasting ground
Thanks yeah I definitely plan to keep up the neem treatments I just didn't want to use it too often at first. I was just curious as to what kind of bugs they were to see if neem was even effective on them.
I was trying to get a better photo but my phone wouldn't focus. I'll get the camera out tomorrow and get some better pics.


Active Member
Even just giving them a good spraying every so often can keep bugs at bay. It's not fun for them to keep getting knocked off :) looking forward to more pics
I think I'll give them a good spray tomorrow. I just went out to check on them and there were at least 5-10 of those little things on each plant:cuss:
Any thoughts on those leaves with discoloration? Could that be from those little bugs?
I also zoomed in a little bit on the bug photo and reposted. I can see it fine on my computer but they resize it when I post it and they're much harder to see.


Active Member
Try sprinkling a little garlic around your plants. Most bugs hate it. Your plants won't mind it. When you water it will release the garlic into the the soil. Any bugs in the soil will find a different home.