Small closet grow


Well-Known Member
It does take longer to veg the main line but i was kind of prepared for it she was just an experiment but she seems to be doing fine so I'm happy with her


Well-Known Member
Just my attempt at main lining View attachment 2799947
Hey bro.. Looks 2 good 2 me.. :mrgreen: Nice and green, and healthy looking. I was planning on mainlining my Bluecheese. ;)
She is only 3 weeks old, so I was going to veg her till she's atleast 6 weeks (month & 2 weeks) old, then flip to flower. Hadn't never done any mainline b4, so it should be interesting.

Keep up the good work, and stay in touch bro.



Well-Known Member
The mainline looks awesome as hell, love the structure you have going there. As far as the sick plant goes, Bak gives great advice;)


Well-Known Member
Okay I have been sick for a week and it seems my plant has to, I'm not proud of these pics but here is what happened. I started to see signs of a some type of def last week or so So I checked the P.H. of my soil run off it was way low 5.0-5.5 around there way to low, So I think i was locking out a couple of things so i added some garden lime to raise the P.H. not to much, I heard it is not good to raise your P.H. to quick, So tonight I checked the P.H and it was around 6.5. so I hope i get this under control..:wall: If all else fails I will use her to make hash View attachment 2799768
Let me know if you think this a correct diagnosis. and i will give you the list of ways to help cure the issue.
Potassium Deficiency
This mineral is the third in the group of primary nutrients required in larger quantities by cannabis. Potassium should be available throughout the plants life cycle. It plays a part in regulating transpiration, the manufacture of starches, sugars and chlorophyll. Potassium is therefore important for the generation of energy within the plant and enhances plant and root growth. All complete fertilizers contain potassium. Kelp or seaweed extracts and composted soil such as worm castings is an excellent organic source. Wood ash contains high levels of potassium but due to the equally high calcium content it also raises the pH and should only be used on acidic soil.
Poor soil quality.
Over-fertilization. Also here the same principles apply as with phosphorus.

A potassium deficiency sometimes resembles lack of nitrogen in the first stages of leaf deterioration. But the difference is that the leaves also develop rust-colored spots. Eventually the affected leaves wilt and drop.
The leaf tips on healthy leaves may turn brown and resemble the symptoms of over-fertilization. This is due to a disruption in transpiration (since potassium regulates the opening and closing of the stomata on the leaf surface, where water evaporates from the plant and gases such as CO2 are drawn in).
In severe cases the stems become brittle.
A deficiency is more common in older plants and therefore the flowering phase will be negatively affected. You can expect low yields.


Well-Known Member
OK bro.........
It looks like it is starting with the larger older leaves.......... Is that correct?
Your plant is that far along into flower and you're only giving 1/4 of the recommended and haven't fed at all for the last 3 waterings?
I would say give a good 3/4 or whole strength feed and see what happens.
You mentioned you DID get the PH up some?
Even if it IS a lockout, at only 1/4 strength and nothing the last 3 waterings, I can't see you overdoing it with one feed at 3/4 to a whole dose.
Listen to this.. he is right. Give her some nutes.

the DEF can turn to lockout however it's from UNDER FEEDING. so adding nutes will bring her out of the lock.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking it was, My ph runoff was super low so I added some garden lime after just 3 plain watering's the ph seems to be okay 6.5 or so it was around 5.5 that's why I think i was getting the lockout So know that i have the ph in check I added some botanicare grow bloom and some Liquid Karma, Do you think I need to add anything else??????? And Stew I really appreciate all the helpIMG_0114.jpgIMG_0116.jpg


Well-Known Member
This will be the final feeding. make sure you don't over do it. I'd suggest a 3/4 strength over the full. as bak said.

A full may help but it could also cause problems locking out the other end. and it would just stress and stunt the final maturity of your buds.

Feed her 3/4 strength of your bloom(and micro if you have it). and when she is ALMOST dry. flush her.(water = 3x amount of soil, soil-less)

and then don't give her a thing. let her dry out for harvest. it helps speed up the drying/curing process.


Well-Known Member
Okay sounds like a plan. Thank god for members like You and Bak, Rosy, Birdog, Dank and I'm sure I am missing quite a few but they no who they are for all the help and support O ya MR.Vega hbbum and the list could go on for ever lol Thanks again guys and girls


Well-Known Member
I smoked some Saturday for 9 hours, homemade BBQ using my blackstrap molasses I feed the plants and apples from my neighbors tree.



I made 6 racks :)


Well-Known Member
Thank's fucking awesome, It makes me wantt to go back for seconds. Great job we should swap recipes one day or start a thread about wait I bet there already is one lol
If you like to grill and/ or smoke, PM me.
I'm not gonna clutter up your thread, but most of my recipes are dry, not sauced.
I tend to not like sauces as a general rule unless I make them because I don't like sweet BBQ.