Small commercial growing startup


I am currently working with my friends on growing facility for hemp. But the thing is we do not have such a big budget.

Fortunately, the laws are okay in our country, so we will only have to pay initial cost for lights, accessories and monthly for electricity and relatively small rent.

So, my friend is stating we cannot be profitable in the next 5 years. I doubt it, because I think you can start relatively small and work your way up when selling buds to regional dispensaries and merchants. I did the math many times and I see no real issue. The market is saturated, but not oversaturated and the products I often see are really bad. I know we can do better.

Is there any commercial grower who started with a few lights or is this really a pipe dream?

Why would you grow hemp indoors under lights? Plant that stuff in a field and call it a day. It'll cost you a lot less that way as well.
Strange here in Texas you can get a lic to grow hemp but from what I read no female plants only males thc no more than 1%. Guess it’s ok if you wanna make rope. Also going into business how much capital you have. If you only have enough for one light then I believe it will go no where’s. I wanna see you post on a year or two from now. Hope you prove me wrong but doubtfully you will unless you have a big line of credit and vendors waiting to buy. I would say any hemp with 1% thc is trash
What happens if they catch you with more than 1% jail or? You have to get a farmers licence if you plan to grow right? That costs each year as well
Here they will be testing randomly at your facility also. Don’t think you won’t get caught with that one skunk plant on the side
Why would you grow hemp indoors under lights? Plant that stuff in a field and call it a day. It'll cost you a lot less that way as well.

As I said above, the outdoor hemp flowers are trash. On our market the outdoor buds are mainly import from Poland and it is the stuff that no one in Poland wants. Leftovers! On the other side: our country producers fabricate oils from outdoors, but for this you need very expensive equipment. And sure, some buds find its way onto the market, but they are in minority.
Strange here in Texas you can get a lic to grow hemp but from what I read no female plants only males thc no more than 1%. Guess it’s ok if you wanna make rope. Also going into business how much capital you have. If you only have enough for one light then I believe it will go no where’s. I wanna see you post on a year or two from now. Hope you prove me wrong but doubtfully you will unless you have a big line of credit and vendors waiting to buy. I would say any hemp with 1% thc is trash

Im no way in USA. We do not have such regulations, if any at all.
Well, the literal definition of hemp is <0.3%THC (<1% in some states).