small crisis


Active Member
i have a somewhat stealth grow during. somewhat because i live in the basement of my dad's house (i'm 18 not a bum) the only time my dad would come downstairs is to do laundry so my main concern for stealth is to keep the light from being visible and have a bunch of air fresheners.

here is the problem. my dad works out of state gone about 2/3 of the year my mom who lives in a nearby town found my grow because i forgot to close the door before i went to work(stupid me) she has no plans to tell my dad if i get rid of it. my options as far as i can see are 1)trash it and wait a while before retrying 2) find a much better place to stealth grow(which i do have available) 3) find someplace outside to finish the plants.

My plants are about a week and a half old here are some pics from last week they are a bit bigger now but i don't have any current pics.
currently inside a cabinet. if i continue will be moved to under staircase slightly bigger area will need good ventelation and can set up so no light can escape



Active Member
Don't grow in your parents house unless you have their permission or they know about it.

If you're getting caught within the second week by someone who doesn't even live at the house, then it's not very stealthy. Not trying to "hate" on you or anything, but when it comes to illegal activity you should take it a lot more serious and not be sloppy.

You're only a week in, that'd be a lot easier to trash than say if you were already flowering. If you say you have a "much better place to stealth grow" do you mean another part of the house or somewhere outside the house? Because i'd suggest getting it outside of your fathers house and into a place you can call your own.

I don't really know the ins and outs of outdoor growing but if you had a nice secluded place in the woods I'm sure that'd turn out a lot better than a "stealth" cfl grow in your dads basement.


Well-Known Member
If they were bigger, I'd say outside for sure. Since they're so young, I'd say outside IF you find a legitimately good location (that does NOT mean "oh this spot is good enough"...don't be stupid and get arrested or a stolen crop). If you don't have a good location, then trash that shit man. Not worth causing big issues with the parents when they're only a week old, ya know? Just wait a few years, man.


Active Member
I can't say I'd advise using an apartment to grow either. They're going to be doing things inside and out of your apartment all throughout the year and would more than likely discover your grow op. Trust me, I was in your shoes 4 years ago during the time of overgrow and was doing it in my apt against much advice not to. And sure enough they came and found it one day while I was at work.

I was told that they couldn't enter the apartment unless they gave me 24hours notice or had my consent. One day there's a flyer on my door saying they're spraying for bugs and I leave a note on the door and one at the office explicitly telling them I was allergic to the chemicals and that there would be an issue if they did. Sure enough, they disregarded my request and found the op.

They told me I had 24 hours to get my shit out or they're calling the cops and reporting me. I was lucky they didn't want the bad publicity I guess and gave me a chance to get my shit out. I had to chop down the girls that were 4-5 weeks into flower not to mention find a new place to live in under 24 hours. I'm lucky I have good friends or I could have really been in some shit, as they managed to give me a place to stay as well as helped me move all my stuff out.

Basically I was in your position four years ago yearning to grow and not taking any wise advice given from others. And now I'm a proud home owner with a safe, appropriate area for my grow op.

Just my .02