Small first grow - Extreme Indica :) PICS!


Well my very first attempt at a grow ended before it began. Had a worm issue with the seed I germinated. Bad soil. Lesson 1 learned.

For veg
Flat white interior walls
Right now 2 26w 6500k, one on each plant. Adding one more each tomorrow after ventilation is done with 3 120mm case fans.
Temps: Low 70's to Mid to low 80's
18/6 Light cycle
Miracle gro moisture control soil -Yes I know it may not be ideal. Some people it works for, some it doesn't. I think a strict watering schedule is key here. But I'm going to use it through out. Also added 1" pearlite to bottom of cups and extra in the soil to improve drainage.

Flower Cabinet:
150w HPS + I'm going to use directed, 23w 2700k CFL's around the sides and beneath.
4" Duct fan exhaust
8" Osculating fans
Still need to assemble flower cabinet. Figured I had a while to get it done :)

11-05-2010 - First put in paper towel to germ
11-07-2010 - Put into soil
11-10-2010 - Pushed through soil

Plant "A"





Plant "B"
She received a light burn right away. Grew about an inch in 12 hours while I was at work. But she seems to be doing better now :)





Only question I have at this time is, Whats with the green growth on the soil? Normal? Problem? Due to the fact that I have no ventilation? Any input would be greatly appreciated :) :leaf:



Active Member
Lack of ventilation could be an issue but it looks like some perlite has clumped at the top and it's just holding moisture and growing mold. Don't worry about it. You'll be transplanting in a few weeks or less anyway.

Nice photography btw.


Got 1 fan installed today...kinda want to see where the temps are before adding more. Not sure its gonna do enough but we'll see. The fan seems kinda weak, but I guess its better than not having any ventilation. Just have it wired through an old cell phone charger.


Yeah these fans aren't gonna cut it. Going to have to figure something else out. Temps got up to the mid 90's. The tips of the leaves got a little cooked and the plant looks pretty heat stressed. I pulled the 2 bulbs I added and lowered the plants in hopes they'll come out of it. Temps are now back down to high 70's. I'll have pics up later today. :)


Ok so after the case fans failed I tried something different. Air purifier I had sitting in the closet seemed to be a good idea. Just made a little ducting from cardboard, connected to the cabinet with a tin can. Moves quite a bit of air, temps seem to stay right around 85-86. Was a little warmer of a day today too, about 75 degrees. Where the cabinet is usually its quite a bit colder so I'm sure in the coming days the temps will drop a little more.

Also added 2 2700k 23w cfls. For a total of 98 actual watts.

Setup for now moving to a larger space in probably a month.


Baby A - Almost 100% sure of light burn and some heat stress. BUT, nute burn could be possible since I am using MG soil. They both seem to be looking better now than they did this morning about 10am so I'm hopeful they just got too hot and were reaching to close as opposed to nute burn.

Plant B - Noticed something odd when I watered. Water moved some of the soil around and showed what looked like a root growing sideways. I brushed the soil aside and saw this.

It looks like it tried to come up, then took a right turn, and came up again? Is this going to be a problem?

Also these seem to look like different plants. Is that common when growing 2 of the same strain? Plant A has thinner leaves and more spread out, whereas B, has fatter leaves and is more compact.
Maybe one is showing the NL side and the other the ICE side?


next time fill your pot all the way up with soil (when you repot), it's better for circulation and whatnot. looks good though, if you deal with the heat issues, they'll take off for sure


Day 17 (veg)

Not too much goin on. Still growing pretty good. Node spacing seems pretty tight so far. I pulled them back a little from the light to stretch out a tad and to keep them from reaching so much toward the light and burning themselves.

Only thing I noticed I'm not sure about is that they dont seem very symetrical. When a new node comes out only one side seems to take growth. The other lags behind. You can kinda see in the pictures what I'm talking about.

ALSO - I'm wanting to top them. When should I? Just looking for 2 main colas since more than likely they arent going to be big yielders on their own.



Temps are pretty under control now. Pretty much right where they should be.


Been a while since I updated so I figured why not? :)

First I sold my plant "B" to a fellow grower. Decided to do this grow under all CFL's as for right now I don't have the room. So we're just down to the one plant. I'll attempt 2 on my second grow. Should have more space by then.

I replanted her due to what looked like it becoming root bound. When I pulled it out the roots were in fact starting to have issues. Put her in her new home and she took off! Popped out a new node in 24 hours.
Also pulled my 6500k bulbs for 40watt 2700k's. Now I'm up to 2 40w and 2 26w. Going to all 40w next week when I change the light cycle to 12/12.
Kinda just wanting to get through this grow so I can step it up and REALLY be prepared.

Temps went up a little but not much, was a little warmer today too.

Did a little LSTing




Very nice pictures indeed .
You can TOP whenever you want to reduce height , between 4/6 nodes/branches is good , training it by tying it down to the pot .
Or go flower now 12/12 , keep it dark light's out
Respect .
The MG compost is working for you , if it's not broken don't fix it }


Active Member
Looking sexy now man. Keep an eye on those purple stems. Usually means a diff or lock out in sone cases. Just watch the tips for burn. Some mg can burn plants. Looks great so far man.


Well I'm on the last few days of 18/6. Going 12/12 on Friday and swapping out the 26w bulbs for 42w bulbs for a total of 164 actual watts. More than likely going to point one 26w pointing directly into the side and rotate every few days.

In just a week it almost looks like a different plant. After the last watering it really grew a lot! Getting really bushy and the stem has become purple striped. Pretty neat lookin :)
My two new tops seemed to take a little to get going though. The top fan leaves have grown 5x while the new tops have only probably doubled, but they're getting there now.

2 main colas :)
