Small Grow room


Well-Known Member
Saturday 20th February 2010 12:00h GMT
Well got up this morning and it looked like some big arse insect munched on my leaves I posted photos to RIU and general consensus is its brittle leaves caused by water damage and fan. As there has been know more I guess it is not spider mites Thank god but what a scare.

The propagators I brought 3 for £2.99GBP they have no temperature control so I fitted I 25 watt light inside the lid and managed to get a steady 74f on full humidity note it took 125 minutes to reach 74f.

I planted the seed with the 20mm tooth root inside the new heated propagator. The other eleven seeds are showing no sign of germinating one of the seeds was an empty shell and removed from saucer. I rested the seed tray on top of the propagator to help with germination temperatures fingers crossed we will see some results in the next couple of days. I took eleven clones from my two mothers and planted them in a non-heated propagator sprayed and placed in vegetation room not directly in light but so they had some humidity looked fine temperature was a stead 66f. All so I checked all other cuttings I took, 3, 12, 9x2, 14 all rooted one of the nines roots were so big I had to pot in small plant pot and place under 24/0 trouble is nines have not shown their sex yet so could be flogging a dead horse. But the others roots were small so placed in the trays and in the non-heated propagator. All the cuttings that have no roots look so healthy so I re-cut the bottoms dipped in rooting hormone and placed in the non-heated propagator too. I then lightly misted placed back in my vegetation room. Plants 1, 3, 15, 12, 13 are definitely female rest are not showing yet.


Well-Known Member
Sunday 21st February 2010 12:00h GMT

Lights on 06:00h GMT no more damage to plants checking for females one more number 4 so that’s a confirmed 6 now two I am using for mothers as you know I think tomorrow will be the day for females fingers crossed. Watering day today 6 litres be glad to get rid of a few plants took me an hour in my confined space.
14:27h GMT neck of the seed is above soil on the seed with the 20mm tooth root I planted yesterday. 21:00h GMT the germinated seed is 10mm in height 10mm in width and the stem diameter is 0.5mm.

Also today I took another 11 cuttings and placed in a heated propagator watered and sprayed checked at 21:00 and doing fine. No more seeds germinated yet waiting game. Have two female clones rooted at the minute will start checking the new editions after tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Monday 22nd February 2010 16:00h GMT
No more females this morning plants all look healthy. All the cuttings I took look the best yet thing I might have cracked it with the heated propagator which thanks to Aldi I made for a pound 25w bulb is the limit and I cannot use the four middle cells as you can see from the picture above. Four of my cuttings have rooted well as they were done two weeks ago now so I planted into slightly bigger pots than the propagator cell keep them small for a couple of weeks. I removed plant 3 and 5 as all plants in the container were female and 3 is the maximum I can keep in one pot and that is pushing my luck. So far that is 8 females out of 21. A second saucer seed has tooth root broke through so I planted in the propagator 18:10h GMT.


Well-Known Member
Tuesday 23rd February 2010 19:00h GMT
Removed two more plants from grow room this morning one was the smallest I had showing no sex yet the other one was not showing sex either but have two massive females in this container and they need the room so that’s 10 females out of 21 seeds so far and only been 7 days. I will give the other plants left 8 more days then I will cut them down and store in the freezer with the rest of my plants that did not make the grade.


Well-Known Member
Wednesday 24th February 2010 20:00h GMT
06:00h GMT checked seed tray one more had germinated planted 18:10h GMT. Checked for sex and now there is 10 females in my grow room I binned all the rest. Females kept 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, and 15 are on 12/12 cycle and the rest 24/0 for mothers. I also widened my vegetation room big enough for 20 plants at various stages. 18:00 lights out and I have discovered an early insect infestation looks like spider mites but as they don’t move fast and are shaped like a piece of rice about 0.5mm in length and 0.2mm in width. I will buy some spray tomorrow 0900h GMT.


Well-Known Member
Thursday 25th February 2010 12:00h GMT
06:00h GMT spider mite damage minimal this morning to say I have not noticed any more leaf damage. Well shot up the shops got some spray cheap mite killer. I sprayed the plants they were dripping the liquid was clear but when it hit the plants leaf’s and dripped to the floor, it was green were it had stripped the chlorophyll from the leaves smelt chemically. My plants were not happy looking after I had finished. While they were drying I bleached the grow room from top to bottom cleaning fixtures and fixings. They I put the plants back were they belonged. I also did not leave enough time for them to dry properly and as a result some of the younger foliage shrivelled up when I got them out for second re-spray at 18:00h GMT. I also through away two more plants so no leafs was touching plant to plant. This allowed me to smear Vaseline around my containers and the lower stalks to the plants I also did the same were the new tops were forming as they can only walk and get stuck. Feel I have done all I can do only time will tell. 3 more seeds germinated so at 20:00 I planted in the heated propagator. The five un-germinated seeds I split shells and covered for the last time.


Well-Known Member
Friday 26th February 2010 19:00h GMT
0600h GMT I opened the hatch door and usually I am greeted with the o so nice smell of the El-nino filling my senses not this morning smelt like chemicals no weed smell in the air at all might as well been the grass you walk on. To make matters worse the plants look like they are on their last legs. On the other hand I could not find one single moving insect but on a plant that looks dead it doesn’t surprise me. I watered the 12 plants with 3 litres of nutriment water mix fingers crossed. 17:00h GMT I checked on the plants as I wanted four cuttings for clones of my mother’s before they die, but to my amazement they looked vibrant again so took my cuttings closing the hatch quickly as the budding females don’t look so good. Mixed some of my new rooting hormone with some water and put the cuttings straight into it and placed on windowsill. As clone 9 as picked up I placed her back in the grow room to see how she dose. Today my mate donated a 5 litre water pump sprayer needs slight attention but easily fixed, a digital 26 programmable timer for my lights which will stop me having to get up at 06:00h GMT and be in by 18:00h GMT daily. Try it out tonight also he donated an unopened bottle of Pest off 30 GBP a bottle but makes 10 litres.


Well-Known Member
Saturday 24th February 2010 14:00h GMT
I set my alarm again this morning 06:00h GMT just to check if the timer came on or not and it did so well chuffed with that lie in tomorrow. I cut another 24 clones washed under the tap then submerged under water for 2 minutes before finally cutting little nicks in the stem with a Stanley blade and dipping in rooting agent. Then stood in pot and filled with clay balls, previously to this I removed the seedling tray form propagator and filled with water right to the top. Dropped the pot in and all the water filled it. I repeated this process with the other 23 clones. I am expecting 20 from 24 this time I put the lid back on the propagator and placed on the windowsill were it will stay until I see some root formation through the clay balls. I re-sprayed 3 of my budding plants and all my mothers. I am keeping my mother’s so need to be sure no eggs hatched and that there are know little ones running about also the 3 I re-sprayed of my budding plants. Were the only plants in my bud room showing any sign of infestation so I just done them to be safe? I am now hoping I have it on the way to being sorted out. Though all the plants may need another couple of sprays as the life cycle of an egg could be 9 days in poor conditions so better safe than sorry I will keep you all posted. But I laugh in the face of those people who think fan light seed great free weed money and or both its worse than my children attention they need and all before you see any results fail to follow rule one and spider mites will be your night mare Except no free soil, clones use nothing that has spent months outside and let know one into your grow room as if they have spider mites on their clothes hair they will infest yes they can live on you for 40 hours no food well you transport them around. Well I learnt my lesson now Night I will keep you all posted.


Well-Known Member
Fantastic looking buds full of thc but tasted like shit either the thrips or the chemicals killed the taste
So cleaned down brought from the seed bank arjans strawberry haze, train wreck, and swiss cheese all doing very well