small harvest, big issue

I have been growin some what successfully. By which i mean i have been able to harvest good smoke on several occasions and great smoke once or twice. My fear is that I am only getting about 1/3 of the harvest i am reading about. my specs. are such:

soil mix bought and constructed much perilite and course product to ensure drainage my water is steady at 500 ppm with a ph of 6.5 for my a-k,warlock and e.t. and 6.0 for my tnt and mental haze plants.
1-t-5 cfl from inchs away

same soil same ph water slight increase in nutes and beginning regiment of kool bloom at cycle end for densening purpose. i also introduce mollasses when i begin flowering.
my lighting is 2-1000 watt mh and one 400 mh
humid around fifty and airflow constant.

i will upload pics a.s.a.p does ayone have any ideas of issues i could have based off what i say. is overwater a possible problem?

thank you for help


Active Member
Supplement your light with CFL

Even 2 28 watt cfl running off drop cords will add almost 4,000 collective lumens to a 16,000 lumen T-5 setup.

And that can and will make a noticeable difference for small grows.


Well-Known Member
Another thing is when your flowering a particular strain. You may need to wait longer on some and let them veg longer to improve your yield. This can make an entire oz. of difference i have found. Also CO2 will add some weight as well.


Active Member
An HPS would help, but its not absolutely necessary.

It is kinda weird you decided to buy 3 MHs and not a single HPS. If you have the cash for 2 1000w then why not have one MH and one HPS?