small hps


Well-Known Member
What type of small hps lights are available like something I can get at home depot etc...... I am handy so I cando minor mods I am using cfls just wnat to add a small hps and see what if any difference it makes.


Well-Known Member
mmmmm.....I'd look at security lights or something other that has a hps bulb. that store is local to me, i found it using Google business search it may help you find a local store you can go to. gl:mrgreen:


Active Member
I don't know about Home Depot, or any local shop (radioshack, etc), but go on Ebay and order an HPS ballast kit, ceramic mogul base socket and a lamp, then just wire it all together.

Optionally (but recommended), you can add a reflector and an enclosure for the ballast (don't want it exposed..).

That's if you're going for cheap. Otherwise just order a digital ballast online.


Well-Known Member
This is on HD online. I'm using it to grow these two babies. Just keep it 6" from the tops and no more than two plants per light. Been growing these for little over a month. Nodes are less then an inch for me.


Well-Known Member
What type of small hps lights are available like something I can get at home depot etc...... I am handy so I cando minor mods I am using cfls just wnat to add a small hps and see what if any difference it makes.
I went to home depot to check out low wattage hps and didnt buy any because they all had daylight sensors on them...I'm no electrition and didnt want to get into rewiring shiot to bypass light sensors...some here suggested you can just tape over the light sensor with heavy black electrical tape and disable the light sensor....just an idea!!


Well-Known Member
I went to home depot to check out low wattage hps and didnt buy any because they all had daylight sensors on them...I'm no electrition and didnt want to get into rewiring shiot to bypass light sensors...some here suggested you can just tape over the light sensor with heavy black electrical tape and disable the light sensor....just an idea!!
no sensors on the one I posted. $35 online

You can own 8 of these 50watt lamps for the same price as one 400watt, around $280. If a bulb blows, you got lots of backup and 50watts is alot cheaper to replace than a 400watt. You can control total wattage better by turning off or moving to clones when you pull the males. I got two under one right now and they are thriving. 8.5" in a month! with close internodes.


Well-Known Member
I just bought a 50 watt hps wall security light from home depot 29 bucks. My plants are doing amazing now that i ditched the cfls :)