Small hydroponic system.


Well-Known Member
I second this... all i have read about hydro and yields and health come directly to bubbleponics. basically a steady drip line pumping (no timer or anything) and a DWC resevor that the roots grow into entirely... So all that is needed, is a rubbermaid large enough for however much you wish to grow, or many units. A single water pump for each system, x amount of drain pots, (whatever medium you want to use in them) some tubing and your done. easy as fucking cake. take your clone or rockwool cube grown seed, plug into medium, put dripper on it. and watch it grow... as long as you have a halfway decent nute system going 50-75% strength, and keep your ph in check periodically, its almost fool proof. way more controlled than buying random soil and hoping there is enough of this, and not to much of that etc. plus with hydro because its always there when the plants need it, you get 2x3 times as much results (from what i have read) than standard soil... I dont know jack shit about the prosess of what or how much you really apply to hydro, as all i do is water my shit with liquid nutes twice a week, and hope they hit the right spot in the soil.
And thats it. Sounds easy huh lol.

Don Corleone

Active Member
Alright, as long as you don't get close to your outdoor temps you can run it, res temps should be 64-68f imho. You will only need one extraction fan. As you will go from your carbon scrubber, to your hood, then outside of your tent/room to your extraction fan. then that exhausts outdoors (i put my exhaust into my heating ducts, helps keep the house warm in the winter.) Also one circulation fan. maybe a small 6-8" wal-mart oscillating fan to keep co2 rich air running over your leaves and strengthen branches.
and what do you think about growing only two plants, becuase the sapce of that DWC isn't that big, and perhaps a scrog growing will be better


Active Member
you could do two and just train them out with a scrog. its entirely up to you. Personally i'd find it really hard to change the water in the res unless your res was recirculating.

Don Corleone

Active Member

Also, depending on strain, you can only grow two plants. That tote will be fine to veg, but you will want to move the best 2 into individual pots. See my thread to see how I am doing it in a slightly smaller tent

I will be growing a raspberry cough and a black jack, just in that DWC system and ScrOG method, is it enough space for two plants? or do i still need to move them in separate pots?


Well-Known Member
I just started a DIY hybrid nft/rdwc system 8 months ago and my grow is in a garden shed with 2 seperate rooms both appr 4x4x7h. I run a 100l res with a 35l tray on top, both filled with water and recircing 24/7. I grow 6 plants in each tray and I veg for 7-20 days depending on strain. I run a 600 watt and 4-T5 HO 4' tubes. I am able to keep temps down below 75f if the outdoor ambient is below 70 running an extraction fan at 150 cfm. You should be fine if your pulling in conditioned air. Possibly you could run a flex duct from one of your air outlets into the tent if its close. Also its the res temps you'll have to watch. If my res temps get above 21-22c I start to get concerned. I have not had issues with slime but I think it starts with temps above that, I could be way wrong here but like I said I never let it get hotter. If possible I would run another res as well to increase the amount of water. I would think it would offer more stability, perhaps outside the tent with tubing and a pump. I repeat I just started so still learning lots lol. this is the system I built for less than $150 for everything. My first grow produced 410 gr but that was I think a fluke lol. I typically am getting 300-400 every 10-12 weeks from seed and could increase that with clones I think but havn't found a worthy contender yet :). 130123-0657-36.jpg120927-0709-39.jpgI think you should be ok with 4 plants, it depends on how you grow them I think re: scrog, lst, etc. I do run out of both head room and lateral space but just let the girls grow, sometimes topping, sometimes not. And as was stated with out a drain in your res you will have to siphon out the water and you'll probably be changing it often depending on res size and the first time screw ups like I had lol. Good luck keep me posted with your grow. I would love to follow along.