Small personal grow.

Starting off a small personal grow & would like to document it and see how people like it.

Got a mixture of seeds from a friend & germinated them, & was able to plant a total of 9 seeds. One originally popped up, and then 2 more arrived. Shortly I had 6 total. This is what I have so far! enjoy.

View attachment 2407413Day 1.
View attachment 2407414 Day 2.
View attachment 2407415Day 3.
View attachment 2407416Day 4. 2 more sprouts pop
View attachment 2407417Day 5.
View attachment 2407418Day 6. 6 total sprouts.
View attachment 2407419Day 7 before replanting long stems.
View attachment 2407420 Day 7 after stem replant.
View attachment 2407421 Day 7 close up.
The attached thumbnails are Day 8. I placed them differently, and placed a second light on them. Shortly I will be putting them into an altered mini-fridge, then into a closet. This is for personal grow, so I will not be building trees here. Going to flip the 12/12 switch when they are roughly 18-24 inches tall. Leaning more towards 24 inches though based on the fact that I will have closet space available.

Using Fox Farm soil, 16 ounce Red Solo Cup...I fill you up...ugh. solo cups. (generic) & there will be a replant when taken from a mini-fridge to a closet. Looking forward to updating this! cheers.
I have a few questions, maybe mods can leave this open or one direct me in the right direction?

1. I have little indentations on each one of my fanning leaves. Is that because its too dry? Solutions?
2. I have had a couple burnt leaves in earlier stages, I can take off these portions of the plant correct?

....also, what does everyone think of my surviving plant? PH is well always at 6.5 so I am doing good on that.

Thanks in advance whomever responds!


Well-Known Member
Those are really stretched. I would get the lights closer, as close as possible. IF they are CFL's they can almost be touching them.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with idl and re-pot them and plant them right down in ya medium upto the first lot of true nodes and all that stem will start rooting in a couple weeks
View attachment 2421404Added CFL lighting. replanting tomorrow. thanks for your help everyone. I hope this fixes the drying out & burnt leaves. Will post again shortly, probably in a week after replant. Going to go about another 4-6 weeks on veg then switch. Dont want to get a tree before I switch!


To test whether a bulb is too close hold your hand where the plant is for 10-30 secs. If the bulb is too hot for you it is too hot for the plant. What watt and light spectrum is that cfl?
The lights have been fixed for about a week now. Stretching up top has slowed down & everything is starting to look really good.

This plant has been on 24hr cycle since November 8th. I don't think I'm going to hit the switch for another 4 weeks. I will post a pic once I'm back on the desktop
One of the beauties of making an indoor grow room is that any area inside a home can operate as a growing environment, from the walk-in closet to a cupboard in your kitchen; all you need is the creative genius and equipment to make it happen.
Here is an updated pic of my top. Its a girl! I put it in a bigger pot. During replant I was accidentally a bit rough with it & its leaning, but nothing seems to be wrong. Droopy leaves a bit but its looking great & I am ready to get the last 7 weeks of flowering rolling. Please send hope that I didn't ruin it during replant lol. I have 5 seeds of a high mids germinating & will be starting on those as soon as I go get more fox farm! Cheers
Happy Holidays everyone! I like some were away from home for the Holidays. I had to rely on timers & a helpful family member! I was away from my plant for 5 days so I was thrilled to come back to a budding beautiful plant! Happy New Year all! Will be posting more when starts to really rock!
A question for whoever...I have what look like trichomes on parts of my flowering plant. White hairs galore but some changing to brownish orange. I will post a pic shortly, but it was assumed I was growing regular grade cannabis, which have no trichomes...maybe I am wrong (lucky)? Thoughts?