Small personal grow.

pics to see what I am talking about in previous post & for an update (around 2-3 weeks flowering)


boom! just started noticing what I believe to be trichomes. So basically can anyone tell if this is regular grade cannabis as I started off thinking it would be, or maybe a higher grade? Any way to tell for future grows or maybe others have questions about trying to distinguish grade?! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Those are pistils not trichomes. Trichomes would require a microscope to see. All marijuana plants have both trichs and pistils, and as far as I know, the production of trichs may be an indicator of how good the marijuana will be but I dont think you can tell much from those photos. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Well you can see Trichomes with the eye, just not in any great detail.

Trich 1 11-20-2007 9-24-29 PM.JPG

Here's a shot I took a few years ago of one of my plants. The Trichomes are the clear little things that almost look like a clear lollipops all over the leaves.
Yeah I took better pictures & will show better indicators of what I mean because I didn't mean the pistils but I see how that looks like the main focus

3 updated pics. Browning of pistils a bit & trichome formation. Gave a few fan leaves the boot since this plant was stretched, the other flowering tops weren't getting as much light as could be. I understand maybe a bit smaller yield but I feel maybe it will even out or not even be smaller, be larger since I can get sun to the other budding nodes.


Well-Known Member
A question for whoever...I have what look like trichomes on parts of my flowering plant. White hairs galore but some changing to brownish orange. I will post a pic shortly, but it was assumed I was growing regular grade cannabis, which have no trichomes...maybe I am wrong (lucky)? Thoughts?
all weed has trichomes. You can take dirt brown bag seed and grow some good quality stuff if you have the right growing environment.