Small personal grow.


Active Member
I'm starting a small grow. I plan on only growing 2 plants in the long run.

Right now I'm germinating a bunch of seeds and I plan on starting these seeds out under 120W CFL for a week or two then adding 120W more CFL.

I was wondering if I could tell sex before I would have to flower them, and also I'd like to know around what time that would be? I've read about it a few times but it seems kinda confusing from what I read in the books I've seen.

Now anyways, moving on, if I can tell what sex they are before flower I'm only saving 2 female plants. I plan on vegging these til they get about 2' tall and they'll hopefully be down to two plants while I'm still vegging even. I'll be keeping them vegging under 240W total CFL wattage also(may go 320, two 160W light bars). Once I feel like it's time to flower, I'm going to relocate the CFL to the sides of the plants, on opposite sides I'll place both 120W CFL bars. For the main light I'm either using a 100W HPS, 150W HPS, or a 175W HPS. I'd rather go with the 100W HPS honestly to take care of heat issues, I'm in a rather hot climate and I think 100W+ would bring in too many ventilation issues since I just want to use a small fan or two. So a total of 240 or 320W of CFL light +100-150W HPS sodium lights. Which would be recommended for highest yields?

I'm going to be placing these plants in soil so I won't have to add nutrients ever... the Fox Farm ocean forest soil, I wouldn't ever need to add nutes to, correct? And if not, I read somewhere on here earlier but now can't find it a good mixtures using just some soil, perlite, and bonemeal... anyone know where this was or could give me correct ratios of the mixture? And running these plants on veg 24hrs should I water more than once a day, or how much should I water?

Also, I'll be using the Sugar+yeast method to add CO2 to the whole thing. This is taking place in a 5' tall, 3'x2' area.

Anyone have a general idea on how high of a yield I could get with the following information provided? I'm pretty sure I didn't forget anything and if anyone has any better suggestions let me know.

I'm under the idea that I could possibly yield 3/4lb per harvest every 2-3 months, is that a good estimate or am I way off my base?

Let me know.

Thanks! This is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
I will try to answer some of your questions:

1. Determining sex before flower is iffy and I would doubt you will find an experienced grower on here who will give you a 100% error proof method before flowering begins. That being said you can stack the odds in your favor with feminized seeds and clones. Also, you will need a vague idea of what your seeds are if you want to predict yield, size, and harvest time for these plants.

2. As far as the light recommendation I would say go with whatever HPS you want but keep the ballast away if you are concerned of heat. Also, you will need ventilation if using HID lighting. I rock a 250 HPS for flower and that sucker will hit 94 if the fan is off my cool tube.

3. I would love to see the yeast water work but I do not believe it produces enough sustained co2 to make a difference but tons of people on here will disagree with me so that one is up in the air.

4. Fox Farm ocean forest (OF) is great I use it and love it. I guess you could use it with no nutes and that would work. I remember seeing a thread on here where a guy grew some great stuff with tap water and old dirt, no nutes no nothing. Weed is a weed and should grow like one, weeds in my yard are not in Fox Farm and they get no fertilizer but they are huge. But those are weeds and my babies are different and I give them plenty of nutes in addition to their expensive soil.

5. Your last question perplexes me because it seems like you are saying you expect these plants to produce upwards of 3/4lbs every 2-3 months? I have heard of people getting multiple harvests off of a plant but I am not aware of continuous harvest off the same plant perpetually. If you made a mother and flowered her clones you could create such a set up.

I am no expert and these are just my feeble attempts to answer your questions. Best of luck to you and I hope everything works out great. If you do this post some pics we love to look on here.


Active Member
I don't mean a perpetual harvest, just that it would take 2-3 months for the 2 plants to mature to the point of harvest and upon harvesting them I'd think I could yield 3/4lb.

But basically my main constraint is amount of light I'd be able to use... with 380-420W could it be possible to get a 3/4lb yield off of these two plants?

Ram Baba

Active Member
It depends on a lot especially the strain.
what did the strain guide tell you the yield would be when you got the seeds?

I doubt you will get lbs, just maybe if you veg for 2 months, and use 1000w mh/hps.
outdoor plants can get 1 lb from one plant because of the air, sun, soil, many many other factors outdoor.

i would say you can get anywhere from 350 - 800 grms per plant depending on strain/ light, nutrients, grow method, etc etc.
realistically i'de predict u would get like 3 ounces.


Well-Known Member
if you got a 1/4 lbs dry total off two plants that would be pretty good for indoor with the small lights you talking about..


Active Member
So even if I used all that lighting on just two plants it's still going to get only a little bit?

They're all CFL's and will be placed all around the plant, it's not all coming directly from above. Not to mention they'll be right up against the plant.

I'm thinking I'll just post back in 3-4months and let you guys know yield.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a small grow. I plan on only growing 2 plants in the long run.

Right now I'm germinating a bunch of seeds and I plan on starting these seeds out under 120W CFL for a week or two then adding 120W more CFL.

I was wondering if I could tell sex before I would have to flower them, and also I'd like to know around what time that would be? I've read about it a few times but it seems kinda confusing from what I read in the books I've seen.

Now anyways, moving on, if I can tell what sex they are before flower I'm only saving 2 female plants. I plan on vegging these til they get about 2' tall and they'll hopefully be down to two plants while I'm still vegging even. I'll be keeping them vegging under 240W total CFL wattage also(may go 320, two 160W light bars). Once I feel like it's time to flower, I'm going to relocate the CFL to the sides of the plants, on opposite sides I'll place both 120W CFL bars. For the main light I'm either using a 100W HPS, 150W HPS, or a 175W HPS. I'd rather go with the 100W HPS honestly to take care of heat issues, I'm in a rather hot climate and I think 100W+ would bring in too many ventilation issues since I just want to use a small fan or two. So a total of 240 or 320W of CFL light +100-150W HPS sodium lights. Which would be recommended for highest yields?

I'm going to be placing these plants in soil so I won't have to add nutrients ever... the Fox Farm ocean forest soil, I wouldn't ever need to add nutes to, correct? And if not, I read somewhere on here earlier but now can't find it a good mixtures using just some soil, perlite, and bonemeal... anyone know where this was or could give me correct ratios of the mixture? And running these plants on veg 24hrs should I water more than once a day, or how much should I water?

Also, I'll be using the Sugar+yeast method to add CO2 to the whole thing. This is taking place in a 5' tall, 3'x2' area.

Anyone have a general idea on how high of a yield I could get with the following information provided? I'm pretty sure I didn't forget anything and if anyone has any better suggestions let me know.

I'm under the idea that I could possibly yield 3/4lb per harvest every 2-3 months, is that a good estimate or am I way off my base?

Let me know.

Thanks! This is my first grow.
yo i forgot, when your done germinating, do you plant the tail in the soil or is it the other way around?


Well-Known Member
use a pencil with the eraser end and stick it about 1/4 to 1/2 inch under the soil. Use that little hole and drop your germy in there white tail down. I use a tweezers so I don't get my hands all over it.....but that could be OCD.

Ram Baba

Active Member
nah its not OCD, i 'de use tweezers or gloves at the very least. don't want oils from the human hand messin with the seedling ;D:-?


Well-Known Member
like 3wks in veg you can kinda tell what they are but not for sure it all depends on the strain. I grew ice one time and i saw pistils at 3 1/2wks veg.
Get a mag glass you will be able to tell soon enough ,some you will have to flower before knowing tho.
Best of luck bra.


Well-Known Member
oh and 3 qp's is out the question you looking fo 6oz. per plant. try 2-3onions per plant. It all depends on the strain.
wat strain is it?
Also be easy on the nutes intro nutes at about 12-15days old if you using fox farms. if you plan on using bone meal get sum blood meal for flowering.
Can't wait to see ya plants

Ram Baba

Active Member
you don't have to use tweezers if you're that worried. just wash your hands thoroughly. and be very gentle.

tweezers work good though, have to be very gentle. sterilize the tweezer before hand also, if you do use em.

and when you see the white tap root, it is supposed to be facing down into the soil.



Well-Known Member
Yea, you're going to want to take some clones when they get a few branches.. You can force them into flowering way too early just to see what sex the plant is..
Actually, with small lights, you'd be way better off growing clones to flower.. You can keep them compact, and grow more in a small space.. Small lights on 3' plants aren't going to work that well below.. 6 clones, put into flowering at maybe 8', FIM'd (a special topping method to get more bud sites) would be ideal for that area..
And you're going to needs ventilation regardless, so think bigger, not smaller on the hps.. Even still, you'd be lucky to get 1/2lb in that space.. without a few trees, and a ton of light..