small plant poblem, has yellow leaves and brown edges..PICS


Active Member
my 3-4 week old baby has had a couple problems so far...
the first 4 leaves that come on the plant have turned brown,shrivled up, and died. i cut them off
. inbetween the sets, the stem turned purple.
now that i have the first 2 real sets of leaves(3rd on the way), some of them have yellow spots, and bro, crisp edges.

btw.. i growing with 1 27w daytime cfl. (daytime has the most blue in its spectrum)




Active Member
i dont have a thermoteter...ambient room temp...its in a garage with a fan.
no ferts.
and im useing miracle-grow potting mix


Well-Known Member
Its probably the mg soil. Its hard to grow in.
If possible i would trans plant them to different soil.


Active Member
i have had the same problem all i did was let the soil get pretty dry to the point were plants were droopy n in need of water then i flushed out n quit adding nutes and everything looks great nowbut just like furious g said u need a minimum of 7000 lumens per plant lol so 600 aint shit so deff add more lights or throw it outside during day time hours


Well-Known Member
Its probably the mg soil. Its hard to grow in.
If possible i would trans plant them to different soil.
Ya, that mg can be somethin else....I mean the plant in the pic looks burned, either by nutes, or heat. from what u say ur using for light, I find it hard to believe it's from heat unless u put the light ON ur plant, lol... I feel this is the main problem with mg soils, once the plant is burnin, then what? U gotta water sometime and u just know everytime u water that stuff it's just gonna burn em even more:sad:. I think u may need to consider transplanting to something else as far as soil, and adding 3 more of those lights u got.