Small Purple Urkle plants...


What's happnin' RIU,

I have 2 small fems (purple urkel genes) about 5 & 3/4" tall that are roughly 3 weeks old and into their 3rd day of flowering. The tops are full of pistils as well as the 6 other bud sites below each plant. As I mentioned, they are quite small, which was my initial plan to keep them that way, as my setup is only about 31" tall, but the fan leaves coming off the main stem are only about 1 inch in length thus far, and my worry is that unless the fan leaves branch out further, I will not be able to LST them (too short), and I just have this image in my head of pencil-width buds!! ha!! So the question is... 1. Since they are already into flower (only 3 days though), can I still top them without making it too stressful for them? and 2. Will the fan leaves continue to branch out and allow more light to get to the bud sites as they grow? and also allow me to Low Stress Train them?

Thanks in advance!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I just finished an Urkle S1 from seed. The urkles, gdp and other purps are known to be slow growers and probably need an extended veg time. The plant I grew never got too tall but it was topped. The growth was very compact and your right the branches are practically non existent. Plants like this have never responded well to topping for me in the past. Maybe if you top them early and train the branches well they will do good but if you wait too long it just stunts the growth. If you top, you gotta give the plant time to recover, and since the plant doesn't respond well anyways, I would definitely not top it now in flower. It will likely grow one large main cola and a possibly a couple smaller buds on the lower branches. You can train at anytime, and will help the buds get more light and bigger buds. The buds are the super dense kind, and grow pretty fast. The stretch is low, perfect for your set up but you may need to veg longer, train better, or start from clones in the future. Here's mine.



Haha. Thanks a bunch, dude. You're totally right. These ladies are very small and compact @ this point (very interesting strain), but what's weird is that the males (4 out of 7) got really tall (obviously the nature of males), so I just cut those even before they showed signs of gender, simply because they were way too tall.. I'm using a 150 HPS SunSystem light, so 2 girls is the most I can push with that. I do agree though as far as the topping, so I'm not gonna try that. -Just plan on LSTing them and keeping them short and stout. BTW, If I can get something even somewhat resemblant of your photos, I'd be super stoked... Thanks for you input and thorough response... Much appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
3 days into flower is definitely not too late to reveg, although if they are showing signs already it may take a week or 2 before you see new vegetative growth. Still, flowering at that size I would be amazed if you pulled enough to get you high fromeach plant! Really it would be a shame to spend all that time in flower for a half oz each max. People who flower small plants usually do it in massive SOGs, so it is more worthwhile.


3 days into flower is definitely not too late to reveg, although if they are showing signs already it may take a week or 2 before you see new vegetative growth. Still, flowering at that size I would be amazed if you pulled enough to get you high fromeach plant! Really it would be a shame to spend all that time in flower for a half oz each max. People who flower small plants usually do it in massive SOGs, so it is more worthwhile.
How would I not get high from a half zone off of each? Interesting. But, as this is my first, I'm not so much worried about yield (I would LIKE to get a decent amount), I'm just enjoying learning as much as I can, thus, getting more and more on each subsequent crop out. I have ALLLLL the time in the world.