small red bug?


Well-Known Member
Ahhh it's a spider mite, kill it! kill it! kill it!!! Good luck you are about to go into battle with the worst enemy a pot grower can face :o!!!!


Well-Known Member
not sure how you can determine that its a spider mite from that pic......cmon guys

get a clearer pic dude and dont listen to these tools, theres no possible way you can identify that critter by the blurry pic you have provided.


Active Member
looks like ya got crabs!!!!It appears to have little pinchers or something ....Yes? I dont think it is a spider mite. How does your leaves look are they chewed up? Mabey a clearer pic. Or compare the little guest with a pic of a spidermite. (best route). If you do find it to be a little harvest wrecker don't freak out too much. (counterproductive) .. read thread on caliclear. Don't go buy a bunch of shit that will probably waste your plants. I.E. that god awful neem oil. just whip yourself up a batch of cali clean, costs about $1.00. All you need is 5 habeneros the size of a lighter. Go ahead don't be afraid read the thread, Its very usefull. This stuff can be used on every thing thrips, fungus nats, ect. It acts like a bandaid and actually greens the plant back up on damaged leaves in a few hours. Amazing shit. this is what i use for pestulance.mantis.jpg
I keep a colony of these alive all the time I harvested this nest froma basement grow in the rockies last nov I've kept them in a box of newspaper in my fridge. Lately I noticed an abundence of fungus nats so I will hatch one of these nests and start a new colony. Soon I will have many of these nests in my fridge to sell to the local hydro shop. 5 for $10. They will hatch out of this nest in 3 to 4 weeks. And flourish. They will breed and make nests. When you have one of these colonies nothing crawls and lives long in these rooms. They love spidermites aphids and fungus nats. They are supper cool to watch cruise through your buds. I Once saw one take out a black widow. took about a second. It ate everything but the head.
Can you guess what they are? Yes praying mantis's...


Active Member
No when it hatches there will be aprox 2000 praying mantis all about 1/8 inch long, they will be swarming inside that bottle ready to be released. In a couple of days No more fungus nats anywhere.
Also they prefer to be away from the lights they dont gather there or die form the heat. They lurk around in the more shaded areas." Hunting". I love these critters, they are my "weed gaurdians".


Well-Known Member
Thats really cool about the praying mantis's. I coulda used them 2 years ago when fungus knats overran my soil grow. That would add a tropical flavour to the grow shed with a bunch of them running around eating bugs. And I was just kidding about the battle stuff btw, well kinda lol. I did have a time getting rid of them once, brought in using clones from another grow, and they spread across the region as clones were passed around. It was like a plague lol. I thought I was going to have an angry mob with torches at my door.


Well-Known Member
and i still stand by my opinion that theres no possible way to classify that insect as ANYTHING by that blurry pic but hey i mean spider mites are the only insects that are tiney and a reddish blurry color right?


Active Member
looks like ya got crabs!!!!It appears to have little pinchers or something ....Yes? I dont think it is a spider mite. How does your leaves look are they chewed up? Mabey a clearer pic. Or compare the little guest with a pic of a spidermite. (best route). If you do find it to be a little harvest wrecker don't freak out too much. (counterproductive) .. read thread on caliclear. Don't go buy a bunch of shit that will probably waste your plants. I.E. that god awful neem oil. just whip yourself up a batch of cali clean, costs about $1.00. All you need is 5 habeneros the size of a lighter. Go ahead don't be afraid read the thread, Its very usefull. This stuff can be used on every thing thrips, fungus nats, ect. It acts like a bandaid and actually greens the plant back up on damaged leaves in a few hours. Amazing shit. this is what i use for pestulance.View attachment 2557557
I keep a colony of these alive all the time I harvested this nest froma basement grow in the rockies last nov I've kept them in a box of newspaper in my fridge. Lately I noticed an abundence of fungus nats so I will hatch one of these nests and start a new colony. Soon I will have many of these nests in my fridge to sell to the local hydro shop. 5 for $10. They will hatch out of this nest in 3 to 4 weeks. And flourish. They will breed and make nests. When you have one of these colonies nothing crawls and lives long in these rooms. They love spidermites aphids and fungus nats. They are supper cool to watch cruise through your buds. I Once saw one take out a black widow. took about a second. It ate everything but the head.
Can you guess what they are? Yes praying mantis's...
Yah and when it hatches...... It's a mantid BLOODBATH. Brothers eating brothers.. Sisters eating sisters.. Brothers eating sisters eating brothers...! It's a bloodbath, I tell you! O, the humanity!
No seriously, they do this until you see one or two big ones. Mantids are fucking crazy. My best friend growing up hatched an egg case in an aquarium, and we watched it with adolescent amazement. It still freaks me out lol. Effective.

EDIT. Lots of insects can be tiny and mite like, though mites are common in the grow room, but we all knew that. I suspect OP saw some mite pictures on RIU, I hope he searched and found them. Los of good people have done great legwork like this, and we should respect them by looking, listening, and learning from them.
I love me some stickies.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is hard to tell. I should have said "IMO". I was trying to add a bit of humour that is, sadly, in the site being replaced with sarcasm and putdowns. But really "tool"!!! Is that necessary? And why are you yelling (ANYTHING) lol. Why do some (very few) members feel the need to use name calling to make a point is beyond me. It sure seems easy to use this way of communicating when anonymous but perhaps your in a bad mood so no worries lol. I would have hope the original poster would have the ability to google insects re: spider mites now that it has been mentioned as a possibility and check for himself without the need for a blurry pic.