Ok. So I'm still working on doing up a custom board for this (will be my last step along with a 3d printed case for that board), and might switch out to a rotary encoder instead of the buttons I have now as it can save me a lot of lines in code, but for the initial system I used the following:
Arduino Uno
Sparkfun ProtoScrewShield
Adafruit RGB LCD Shield w/16x2 display.
RF12B radio - have another RF12B running over USB on a linux server that parses out the data and logs to database via API.
My test COB for this consists of 3w LEDs combined with 2xVero18's. Chan1 - Far Reds, Chan2 - Reds, Chan3 - Blues, Chan4 - Vero#1, Chan5 - Vero#2. All driven by some Meanwell LDD series (these use 5v PWM).
Initially, I found out that my tent apparently blocks any and all RF signals including cell phones.

From there I had to either switch to an Ethernet shield to get the data out or split this up, which I opted for.
Currently my drivers sit on a DIY board on top of the COB and then I have a Cat6 cable running out to the controller portion. The Cat6 cable carries the PWM for the 5 channels, along with 3 wires for the AM2302 to monitor the Temp/Humidity inside the tent. I've also got the power cables running to that board from outside the tent.
I've been back and forth on the wireless. Just yesterday I switched it back to the RF12b but switching back and forth is pretty simple, so this is a pretty low priority for me. I needed the wireless breakout I have for another project which is why I switched back.
Next mod I'm working on is adding in a Lux meter breakout to the system to monitor lights inside the tent. I want to log the IR as well as the full spectrum being put out by the lights. Given the duration it takes to measure both IR and full spectrum (can take up to 6 seconds), I'm thinking this will be a totally separate monitor probe that sits in the tent and maybe I'll integrate it I2C to the main controller - still up in the air for now.
After that I'm looking to add a PCA9685 to control the drivers, so I only need an I2C connection to control all of the driver channels (and at that point I can go up to 16 channels, plus the 6 onboard the arduino).
Let me know if you hit any issues on your build. I'll see if I can't get together some pics and get them up here as well. Been a little busy harvesting.