

Well-Known Member
Here I have 5 plants in 44oz thirst busters, with miracle grow organic, they first plant sprouted Jan 27th, the others the next few days. So today is feb 11th, that's 15? days and they are tiny!..

1x 65w 2700k CFL and 4x 32w 6500k cfl's all 1-3inches from the plants.

When I first planted them, I had put all of them in a rectangle tray together, then was told it wasnt good to have them together so I switched to these pots, but they were only like two days old when I switched them and I feel they haven't really grown since.



Well-Known Member
Don't know if you have drainage holes in the cups, but you're lacking perlite I can see, and also losing a lot of light having them so far down inside the cup.
The light is most likely most of your problem.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I do have drainage holes, wish I had pic of the light setup but the lights are pretty much directly over each cup, but all also close in proximity to eachother.

Ok and perlite, I don't know anything about that.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about miracal grow organic but miracal grow potting mix works pretty good ,hows your heat in the room is it about 76 degree young plants like heat and moister does the organic have nutes in it if not give them very very little to see what that does, the soil looks very woody so im wondering about the ph in the soil