Smaller plants for indoor growing


Active Member
Hi everyone,
can anyone recommend any smaller easy to grow strains that would be suited to a beginner.
Obviously I have looked into lowryder and so almost bought 10 lowryder 2 seeds and 10 lowsnow seeds. however I held off as I thought it may be better to find a more potent and obviously higher yielding plant.

any sujjestions?



Well-Known Member
how small are you talking? those you mention are ruderalis....

i know of some great indicas that max at 28 inches after an eight week veg.



Active Member
my experience dictates that Indica is the best indoor strain... they seem to produce more branches, leaves, bud sites, etc than sativa... They grow and finish faster than Sativa also... I flowered 9 or 10 inch small indica and it stretched to prolly a foot tall and it had a 7 or 8 inch main bud down the center and some small shoots also. I think indica produce more vegetation than sativa so if you want to maximize yeild yet stay small go with Indica... I have six indicas flowering in a 4 x 2.5 foot space; they are so dense that if I shove them all together its creates a sea of green. However I spred them out to maximize light penetration to lower branches and improve air circulation (its a closet grow room).

Really any Indica should produce the same condition I describe, short, bushy, full of branches and bud. when they are foot tall, start flowering.


Well-Known Member
White widow isnt easy it depends how u want it to grow it has high THC lvl's though anything will grow just need to know how to make it grow!
Happy Growing!