smallest plant fully flowered ( very crappy pics )


Well-Known Member
i believe my crappy growing ability should be usefull for something... so to amuse the croud.. the smallest plant ever flowered.

sorry for the shit pics... my digital camera is broke. to give you some prospective.... thats a dollar bill in the backround... plant is like an inch tall
3 brown hairs 3 white



Well-Known Member
well the pics would be better.... but the plant is so small my phone cant take clear pictures of it :D


Well-Known Member
umm little to none.... mabe if i ripped all the leaves off and then looked there may be some microscopic bud.... but no useable bud


Well-Known Member
excelent work, now all you have to do is figure out a way to get arrested for this and bam!! you figured out a way to tottally fuck yourself for absolutly no good reason.

PS let me know if you have any questions i can help you


Well-Known Member
excelent work, now all you have to do is figure out a way to get arrested for this and bam!! you figured out a way to tottally fuck yourself for absolutly no good reason.

PS let me know if you have any questions i can help you
ok, that was fucking hilarious. +rep.


Well-Known Member
was just a little stunted sprout on the side when i flowered others.... i wanted to let it go, fuigred it would give me a good laugh


Well-Known Member
excelent work, now all you have to do is figure out a way to get arrested for this and bam!! you figured out a way to tottally fuck yourself for absolutly no good reason.

PS let me know if you have any questions i can help you

LOL, hed probably be the worlds most popular marijuana grower... like really, go to jail for marijuana cultivation for a plant with a couple hairs....mwhahahaha


Well-Known Member
excelent work, now all you have to do is figure out a way to get arrested for this and bam!! you figured out a way to tottally fuck yourself for absolutly no good reason.

PS let me know if you have any questions i can help you
he should be mastermind or smth to get himself into jail for this growth HAHHAHAHAH +rep. THATS DAMN TOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!