Smallest pot size possible


Well-Known Member
I'm totally hydro and I have a dilemma, I've started 8 seeds in 1 1/2" starter plugs and I want to figure out what is the smallest pot size possible I can use to grow them in but will still be able to take clones to determine sex so they can be put into hydro?

Or is there is an easier way to go about this, please explain.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies fellas. I asked the question right before I went to the hydro store but I didn't get a reply and I just went anyways. I wound up getting some gallon size grow bags and some Fox farms original planting mix with earthworm castings and bat guano. Those bags are pretty long and I could probably get away with cutting them down some.

I just grow one plant out at a time and all I'm looking for is the best female so I can take a few clones from her and then I will give what females I have left and give them to a buddy that grows strictly soil.

Anyways thanks a lot and I'll +rep you both.



Well-Known Member
Little Tommy I must have just gave you some rep earlier because it wont let me.

Thanks again.
