Smart Pot Watering?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone picked up the whole pot and submerged it in a bigger pot of water? Im getting sick of watering my plants but do not want to switch to hydro.... Just wondering if this is common practice anywher or if anyone can point me to an article that maybe gives some specifics. Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
lol! That's pretty funny, just this morning I dipped a peat pot seedling in my water bucket for the first time. You must have alot of plants.

Maybe sit one in a small puddle? Not enough for a real watering, but you can see if it draws all the water in.

are the bottom of those pots soft too? Do the roots at the bottom actually touch the ground? If so It might be a bad idea.

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Smart pots can dry out quickly, and faster in low humidity, or when a fan blows on them. I place a milk crate upside down in a laundry sink, then set the smart pot on it. Soak and let drain. I have a small garden so it's no problem.