smart pots


Well-Known Member
The only beef I have I have with my smart pots (5 gal) is that they are a pain in the ass to water the plants if you don't lollipop...and I don't.

Do they offer bigger did several side-by-side comparisons to a 5 gal bucket with holes drilled into it and they came out the same.

other than that, I'm with everyone else that says they're durable and reusable.
A 5gal. bucket with holes drilled into it is the same as those air-pots.

root pruning pots like to be elevated(underside gets 02)so the roots prune like they're supposed to.
+ 5 gal buckets hold more volume (closer to 7gal) than a 5 gal. planter pot.

So the smart pots used less soil + produced the same yield. I don't get it...


I just got my smart pots in a couple days ago in the mail.
10x3Gal and 10x5Gal.
I like the lower profile, I had used grow bags before and they are much taller.
All in all happy so far.
Can't wait to use them.

Kindnug has an excellent point! Like


New Member
If anyone wants to make really cheap and easy 30+ gallon smart pots for less than $1/.5gbp, listen up! OLD xxl BLACK T-SHIRTS!!!!!!! Thats right... I go to goodwill/thrift store's purchase them , sew collar closed with my crappy but passable sewing skills, duct tape the sleeves, and boom!! smart pots, my family has been growing the same strain for over 40 years, the last 15 years this way. My dad and uncle used to grow it back in the 70's , up to 1/2 acre worth!! now we mainly only deal with 1-2 plants at a time. i mean I do. I only do 2 plants when i make seed, though i will be switching to collodial silver for feminized so it will only be 2 plants one more time at a friends house this summer for seed