Smart pots


Active Member
So my plants are in fabric pots and the roots are coming out of the bottom and my leaves are yellowing pretty quickly about 3 to 4 a day.Is this normal....should I put them on a pallet or some plywood or something of is it normal?

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
You are growing outside? What size pots? How often are you watering? Are you giving them nutrients?

If it is happening pretty quickly along with root stretching they are probably consuming themselves while searching for food.


Active Member
5gallon pots ..using foxfarm trio...feed,dry, water,dry, feed two gallons each time.. thanks for the reply

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Any way you could get a picture? two gallons a plant? Are you using a general feeding or a heavy feeding?

In soil, right?

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Looks like an N deficiency with those leaves but may have to do with your watering. Are you getting a lot of runoff when you water? Does your medium hold a lot of water?


Active Member
Looks like an N deficiency with those leaves but may have to do with your watering. Are you getting a lot of runoff when you water? Does your medium hold a lot of water?
Yea it's getting good run of I'm using patio plus for soil its keeping moisture down to about 2 inches between waterings

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
They look pretty healthy, the only thing I can think off is you might be washing too much out when you water or drying out for too long of a period and causing some leaves to die.

I wish I could help more.