smell Always comes out the same!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
So you direct me to another RIU thread to learn about flushing?

Good thing all of the links to .edu websites you provided DON'T EVEN WORK. Not to mention the whole study was implemented Sensi Seeds, who is endorsed by Advanced Nutrients, who both obviously have external interests on the topic, regarding monetary gain for their business!

I will continue to read the thread, I really appreciate the link. It is extremely informative. It doesn't address nutrients in the flowers themselves, though, and what happens to them once they are there. It simply states that starving your roots force the nutrients from the fan leaves, to the apical meristem, then the flowers, etc. What about after the flowers use all available nutrients to complete their necessary metabolic functions? The bi-products of nitrates (NO3) break down into atmospheric gas, hence why plants produce oxygen for us to breathe. If you don't flush, you leave unconverted nitrates in the flowers.

My whole point in the argument is that this NEEDS to occur. The whole point is to stop the metabolic function of the plant once it is mature and the resins you are looking for are produced!
links worked for me.. Not sure how you got ADVANCED nutes in this. they are all about selling flushing agents. your making shit up, let's see some proof to your claims


Well-Known Member
Lets not clog this guys thread up about flushing.

Its been debated many many times and to be honest I'm sick to the back teeth of trying to get people to at least try it for themselves.

Those that haven't tried both cannot hold a personal preference until they do both.

My bud burns with white ash and ALWAYS smells and tastes great. I don't flush. But then I don't over feed.

It could be that you are harvesting too early. Virtually all your pistils should have changed colour and begin to recede back into the calyx.

Dry your buds until they are crispy to the touch.

Then jar.

Its as simple as that.



Active Member
Sounds as if either you are choosing strains that have similar qualities- or maybe you are not getting it "to a T" as you think.

When are you starting your "days of flower count"? It should NOT be the day they start 12/12... but the day IN 12/12 when they start to actively bud..that is day 1...

NEVER fo simply by the # of days the breeder suggests- that is for OPTIMAL conditions in THEIR equipment..just a guideline... always check the trichomes on a small sugar leaf from a bud (remove it 1st) under a magnifier-- they should all be headed and cloudy, with even a couple starting to turn amber.

When you flush- add carbs.. JUST carbs- nothing else... like molasses or sucanat only... it helps the plant maintain it's resin & oil production and still allows all the other junk to be flushed ...

When you harvest- do you trim 1st or after? If you trim 1st, that is your best bet- it removes the most chlorophyll from the bud immediately...

Dy until the outside feels crispy- then jar it up for 12-24 hours until soft again, then open and dump on a screen or in a tub to air dry again... do this over and over for a week until it is the right consistency... if ever too dry- add a small chunk of the rib from a head of lettuce to the jar for an hour (sealed) then start the airing process again...

Once it is the right consistency, leave it in sealed jars for a couple days then check again.. if still "just right" keep airing it for 15-30 minutes a day for another week. Always let them "breathe" as they age.. it lets out stale air in which chlorophyll has dispersed, and keeps the humidity even.

If this doesn't work... Dunno what to tell ya... could be the nutes you use are doing it?

As for flushing....
MANY opinions- mine is again- just one of many.. and many disagree...

Depends on your growing method, and the nutes you use.
Hydro-- YES! You gotta flush.. but that is NOT what causes the plant to yellow/turn color- the AGE does... otherwise, you are just starving it, not getting it ripe! But it only takes 3 days to get the crud out in hydro--- so you wait until the plants are ready to harvest, or you are reducing their ability to produce more resins and put on weight the last 2-3 weeks of flower.

In soil- Flushing is longer/harder (ok- no sex jokes!) because if using actual SOIL it contains its own minerals etc. that can not be removed by simply flushing... and if using organics- it is useless- they can not be flushed out...they bond with elements in the soil and must break down at their own rate.

Soiless mixes, you can flush a week ahead, longer is not necessary...

There are emergency flushes for those who REALLY feel the need to flush with soil-- uproot the plant- shake off/rinse the roots and put in a bucket of water for 3 days (change the water 2x a day)

We have done most of these methods... Hydro- IMO it is a MUST to flush.. and in soil/soiless with chemical ferts, again, a MUST... but in soil with organics... just not feeding them the last 2 weeks is enough... no need to flush... IME.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Sounds as if either you are choosing strains that have similar qualities- or maybe you are not getting it "to a T" as you think.

When are you starting your "days of flower count"? It should NOT be the day they start 12/12... but the day IN 12/12 when they start to actively bud..that is day 1...

NEVER fo simply by the # of days the breeder suggests- that is for OPTIMAL conditions in THEIR equipment..just a guideline... always check the trichomes on a small sugar leaf from a bud (remove it 1st) under a magnifier-- they should all be headed and cloudy, with even a couple starting to turn amber.

When you flush- add carbs.. JUST carbs- nothing else... like molasses or sucanat only... it helps the plant maintain it's resin & oil production and still allows all the other junk to be flushed ...

When you harvest- do you trim 1st or after? If you trim 1st, that is your best bet- it removes the most chlorophyll from the bud immediately...

Dy until the outside feels crispy- then jar it up for 12-24 hours until soft again, then open and dump on a screen or in a tub to air dry again... do this over and over for a week until it is the right consistency... if ever too dry- add a small chunk of the rib from a head of lettuce to the jar for an hour (sealed) then start the airing process again...

Once it is the right consistency, leave it in sealed jars for a couple days then check again.. if still "just right" keep airing it for 15-30 minutes a day for another week. Always let them "breathe" as they age.. it lets out stale air in which chlorophyll has dispersed, and keeps the humidity even.

If this doesn't work... Dunno what to tell ya... could be the nutes you use are doing it?

As for flushing....
MANY opinions- mine is again- just one of many.. and many disagree...

Depends on your growing method, and the nutes you use.
Hydro-- YES! You gotta flush.. but that is NOT what causes the plant to yellow/turn color- the AGE does... otherwise, you are just starving it, not getting it ripe! But it only takes 3 days to get the crud out in hydro--- so you wait until the plants are ready to harvest, or you are reducing their ability to produce more resins and put on weight the last 2-3 weeks of flower.

In soil- Flushing is longer/harder (ok- no sex jokes!) because if using actual SOIL it contains its own minerals etc. that can not be removed by simply flushing... and if using organics- it is useless- they can not be flushed out...they bond with elements in the soil and must break down at their own rate.

Soiless mixes, you can flush a week ahead, longer is not necessary...

There are emergency flushes for those who REALLY feel the need to flush with soil-- uproot the plant- shake off/rinse the roots and put in a bucket of water for 3 days (change the water 2x a day)

We have done most of these methods... Hydro- IMO it is a MUST to flush.. and in soil/soiless with chemical ferts, again, a MUST... but in soil with organics... just not feeding them the last 2 weeks is enough... no need to flush... IME.
I'm gonna go ahead and back out right here, the shit is getting thick and my shovel is to small. good luck


Active Member
first id only flush for 3 days proper flushing let the water run trough the pot till the soil is swimming , flushing for 2 weeks is way to long i personaly flush when i think the plants ready to be choped it only takes that harsh chemicly taste off the plant

during curing you can inhance the taste and smell of the buds by doing this

Bottled essences:
menthol,spearmint,vanilla,maple,peppermint,fruits. (smear some on to a cotton ball and put in the jar)

Real fruit:
lemon,lime,orange,grapefruit,apples.(use the peals only and put a little piece into jar)

Real flowers:
rose,lilas,fruit blossoms and other flowers.(put some in the jar)

cinnamon,nutmeg,cloves,rosemary,camomille.(use a tea bag,cut a corner off and empty it and refill with spices and staple the corner and put in jar)

wine,port,sherry,wiskey.(smear some on to a cotton ball and put in the jar)

you want the flavour to match the smell of the weed your growing is ment to be , blue cheese add blueberrys . grapefruit , andd grapefruit flavour ,,, ect


Ursus marijanus
I will opine that strain choice will be the biggest factor. My only advice (based on subjective opinion) is to avoid GreenHouse, Barneys and Nirvana. (Clones ... you mentioned them. Do you get them at a dispensary or from the grower direct?) I've been told that TGA Subcool strains are all about flavor and odor, and some G13 Labs strains are about competing with skunk roadkill on its own terms. cn

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
first id only flush for 3 days proper flushing let the water run trough the pot till the soil is swimming , flushing for 2 weeks is way to long i personaly flush when i think the plants ready to be choped it only takes that harsh chemicly taste off the plant

during curing you can inhance the taste and smell of the buds by doing this

Bottled essences:
menthol,spearmint,vanilla,maple,peppermint,fruits. (smear some on to a cotton ball and put in the jar)

Real fruit:
lemon,lime,orange,grapefruit,apples.(use the peals only and put a little piece into jar)

Real flowers:
rose,lilas,fruit blossoms and other flowers.(put some in the jar)

cinnamon,nutmeg,cloves,rosemary,camomille.(use a tea bag,cut a corner off and empty it and refill with spices and staple the corner and put in jar)

wine,port,sherry,wiskey.(smear some on to a cotton ball and put in the jar)

you want the flavour to match the smell of the weed your growing is ment to be , blue cheese add blueberrys . grapefruit , andd grapefruit flavour ,,, ect
NO<NO,NO Please don't ever do this.


Well-Known Member
And just my .02, FLUSHING IS NOT A GOD DAMN MYTH. Let your leaves fade before you harvest, if you don't, your plants are full of nutrients, period, the end. If you are a moron and can't tell how shitty your weed burns and smokes after improper flushing, then be my guest. I usually can't even smoke other people's herb because of how oblivious they are to its cleanliness. In fact, the last 3 times I've smoked other people's herb (3 separate times, all months apart), I've come down with a bronchial infection. I'm so damn sick of people telling other fellow growers that flushing is unnecessary, I almost wish there was a way to block people's posts once you've deemed them completely incompetent, and not backed by science in the least.


Go ahead and block me.

You are confusing unflushed with poor cures and over feeding.
If you do not over feed your plant there is no reason to deprive a plant of the nutrients it needs to live.
Moron? Incompetent? Look in the mirror.
Morons flush and think it helps their plants. There is no scientific evidence to suggest flushing is a good idea.

If you want to stress your plants for no reason, go for it. Calling people morons that do not flush is really stupid. If you smoked my unflushed weed, you would change your tune.


Active Member
NO<NO,NO Please don't ever do this.
a few of my mates add trecle when flushing it did make a diffrence and flushed other plants normal

i myself have tried it with sweet deep grapefruit i added bannana peel to one batch the diffrence was the taste of the smoke swd has a great smell but it dose not taste anything like the smell the batch i added the bannana peel with tasted a hell of a lot better but smelled the same as the sdg i cured normal

im not saying to do it . i would not use this in all my weed just a % of it


Well-Known Member
The Bullshit is INDEED thick in this thread.

OP, invest in genetics as previously stated. Try harvesting a little later. Jumping the gun = leading cause of nasty bud. Flush half of your harvest and dont flush the other half. Decide for yourself. Also, in my opinion (based on REAL experiences, not google), a cleaner trim while wet will not only speed up the process, but provide a much smoother smoke in the end. Good luck. Hope you can get some dank buds. If my buds had been nasty for 5 years running, I would have given up. So props for sticking with it.


redeye jedi88

Active Member
try buying a caliber III so when you jar you can see the RH in your jars and slowly work your way down to the RH 60% by burping theres a thread on here somewhere about it

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
It is basically all about the genes. Great terpenes come from great genes.

The "hay" smell is the most common problem people run into while growing, I was dealing with it for several years before I pulled my head out of my ass and listened to what other people were telling me.

The two factors that cause that smell:
Premature harvesting and premature curing (not letting your herb dry sufficiently before you jar it).

The Grassy / Hay smell is mostly atributed to to much chlorophyl left in the plant (hence the smell). If you let your ladies go all the way to the end alot but not all chlorophyl will be metabolized. In order to get rid of the rest ( not all but most) of the chlorophyl it is important to do a nice close trim when wet, hang em up, after 3-4 days remove the buds from the large stem and let the finish crisping up off the stem ( I usually use a drying rack for this stage, ( usually 1 -3 more days) and into the jars they go. let em cure 10-14 days ( burping jar daily the first few days) Now the flavors and smell will get better the longer they are in the jars...

What he said^^^ and getcha some of these ---

Drop em in your jars. Curing starts @65%rh and stops @55%rh. Keep it in this range and you will be good.


Well-Known Member

Go ahead and block me.

You are confusing unflushed with poor cures and over feeding.
If you do not over feed your plant there is no reason to deprive a plant of the nutrients it needs to live.
Moron? Incompetent? Look in the mirror.
Morons flush and think it helps their plants. There is no scientific evidence to suggest flushing is a good idea.

If you want to stress your plants for no reason, go for it. Calling people morons that do not flush is really stupid. If you smoked my unflushed weed, you would change your tune.
I completely agree with just about everything you just said. And I'm not going to block anybody. Closing your ears will lead to a life of ignorance. I will always accept and interpret other people's beliefs and opinions thoroughly. I might have used a few harsh words such as "moron" and "incompetent" that were unnecessary, and I apologize for that.

Flushing in my opinion is nothing more than having the perfect level of nutrients throughout the plant's life, up until the last week or so. I believe in the final stages your fan leaves should fade, signaling that all nutrients have been utilized by the bud mass, and therefor your dried product will have no excess nutrient in it. If you have bright green fan leaves when you harvest, you have an abundance of nitrates in your fan leaves. What is in your fan leaves in channeled directly to the flowers.

I'm not sure we disagree on too much here. I'm not on this website to stir up trouble or to bolster my ego. I want to open up dialogue so I, and other growers, have a solid opportunity to hear from others to improve their methods.

Also, I've had numerous harvests of unflushed weed. The only nutrient I use in the first place is completely organic (Crab Shell). So I think it speaks volumes that I've noticed that the more crab shell I pump into my ladies, of course the more plush and plump they get. They will be bright green up until day 70, even for strains that finish in 8 weeks. When I go to dry this product, however, (have done this with dozens of strains), there is always a noticeable different in the way the product burns, and the cleanliness and smoothness of the smoke.

Everyone has their opinion, and it should always be formed after you have tried both ways, multiple times, with multiple different variables.

I know that Subcool completely agrees with me regarding flushing. I'm not a die-hard Subcool fan, but you have to respect where the dude has gotten. And if you've grown his (and his circle's) genetics, the respect will only increase.

Not much more I have to say.


Active Member
Ok.. after a bazillion years of doing this.. this is just MY personal take and what works for me and ya'll can take it or leave it.

If you want the VERY best cure and smell.. DON'T chop the plant up into pieces while it is still living.

When you cut and hang a whole plant it is VERY MUCH alive still for a few days and developing in ways it simply can't when you chop it into pieces before it has even had a chance to settle.


If you cut a mother plant.. put it in an ice chest, drive across country for 3 days, you can still take clones from her when you get there even though the plant is not going to ever make it it's self.. it is still very much alive and producing even in suspended animation.


And there you go.. don't believe me.. just try it.. if your grass is smelling like hay, quit chopping it up before it is dead and you 'might' (or may not, who knows) be VERY surprised and say to yourself 'well, I am never chopping up a plant until it is dead again'.

just rambling thoughts that really don't mean a lot all in all.

redeye jedi88

Active Member
there is no perfect way to do this guys everyone has there own special way that works for them were all hear to share our experiences its all about living and learning keep the peace :weed: