Smell control


Well-Known Member
Yo i put a Bounce fresh scent dryer sheet on the ass end of my fan. The suction keeps it on the fan. My whole house smells brand new. No old pot smell, no chain smoking roommate, Not even old stanky laundry. Gonna invest in this stuff. Best wishes to the R.I.U. population. :weed: Peace.


Well-Known Member
yeah man i did that too.. for about 2 days lol.. got tired of putting dryer sheets on that damn fan. Plus once ur babies get bigger it wont work trust me lol. Well it didnt for me man. Carbon filter saved me tho :P

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
We used to do that as kids and called it a spoof. take a toilet paper soll and put a large amout of dryer sheets on the end with duct tape. Blow smoke threw this and it came out smelling like dryer sheets.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
yeah man i did that too.. for about 2 days lol.. got tired of putting dryer sheets on that damn fan. Plus once ur babies get bigger it wont work trust me lol. Well it didnt for me man. Carbon filter saved me tho :P

Lol. So did I. When they bud Carbon filters work great. I have an inline o-zone generator for good mesaure.:blsmoke:


Active Member
That form of odor control could work for vegging where there is at most a mild smell associated with the plants, I would definitely invest in a charcoal filter as those sheets wont have a chance in hell of killing the smell.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Im gonna be buyin some stuff after this harvest. The strain I'm growing is not that bad for smell but the next grow will stink badly. Either way thank you for the input. Later.