smell during dry/cure


Well-Known Member
how potent is the smell during the drying and curing stage?

What have you done to avoid the smell stinking up your house?


Well-Known Member
It will smell intensely the first few days after you cut it down. I mean the last time i harvested i had a whole crew of people taking turns standing at the door smoking cigarettes and spraying air freshener, constantly. We were in an appartment complex to extra precaution was needed. But then all the trimmed buds were moved to the basement/very large crawlspace of a house. With in minutes of being down there hangin up the herb i had stunk up the entire house upstairs. And there wasnt even a door leading to the house, you had to go out side to get to the basement.So the smell had seaped up through the floor, through the carpet and turned the residence in to a slaughter house for skunks. But after only two days of drying the smell was pretty much completly gone, the herb just smelt like fresh hay and lawn clippings.The cure part is not an issue because your gonna be keeping your herb in tightly sealed containers. Preferably glass mason jars.


Well-Known Member
Honestly the only thing you can do to avoid that smell is to not do it at your house. I mean its gonna StinK, Really really badly. You could try burning coffee grounds. Its an old trick police would use if they came on a dead body that was rotting and stunk to high hell. But other than that its going to be a real challenge concealing that ever so familiar and wonderful odor. Good luck

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I absolutely love that smell. Breaks my heart it only lasts a few days a year! But unless you have really good privacy, it is a really serious security issue.