Smell problem


Well-Known Member
So i got a 6in Mountaineer carbon filter for $200 about 6 months ago (grow is in basement)...The exhaust going from my tent and out my window is smelling good i cant smell anything out that so its still indicating to me that the filter is still running good..Problem is when i come down stairs i can smell a good little bit but like i said it's not smelling out my window exhaust and it's been getting humid in my basement so it's prolly that?? It's not humid in my Grow Tent because i have an a/c unit being ducted into one of the 6in opening at the bottom as an intake and It keeps the room around 75 degrees..and 40 rh..what is making it smell?? every thing is good in the tent like it's not humid or anything so idk why it would smell like it's doing..Any advice?


Well-Known Member
It's a tent, not a hermetically sealed bubble, smell can get out. You could use a ionizer outside you tent, or some sort of odor eater to catch the small amount that is escaping your tent. Good luck JR


Well-Known Member
I have carbon filter-ducting-1000hps-ducting-1000hps-ducting-out tent-out to window on side..I have the filter sitting on the ground..But really with the a/c unit its really good temps..