Smell Question.


Well-Known Member
Take it from someone who had three bagseed plants with not so skunky genetics. I tried to avoid the inline fan and carbon filter. I tried ONA. I tried clsoing vents, I tried the air freshners that go in the vents. Yet still as soon as my wife got into the hallway (durng those peak odor times of day) that leads to my office where my tent is, the odor was there. It would also carry through my central heat system imnto other rooms until I closed up the intake. So now I have a gallon of ONA that I use as a paper weight and spent the money on the right equipment anyway.
Best advice in this thread. Buck up now and just get a carbon filter - it'll save you many headaches in the long run. Peace of mind for a hundred bucks? Yes please.


Well-Known Member
You will blow the apartment complex up with fresh weed smell. You have to have a carbon filter. Be safe its not worth getting caught or robbed


Well-Known Member
Go to the DIY section on RIU and there are ways to make one cheap. I don't know how well they work.

Seriously... growing ain't easy and it seems like as soon as you think you are set, there is something new that you need. For example, I just had my osciallting fan break and I need one of the tower ones for my set up (or prefer) - $50 gone. You can cut corners and it may impact yield or something like that. For example, I use CFLs which are not the best for flowering to maximize yield. But this is one that can get you in serious trouble.

What I know of ONA is that it does not remove the smell, it covers it with something stronger. So in order for it to work for you, your apartment will smell like it and the smell of it will go under the door. At least that was happened to me. I couldn't handle the odor since I need to work in the same room and my wife got sick of smelling it in the hall, saying it gave her a headache. It also carried into other rooms of the house. Got the cargbon filter and all is peachy keen.

There's always a way to get a hundred bucks if you are willing to sacrifice...


Well-Known Member
I am currently working on a home made filter but am having trouble finding a cheap carbon wrap for it.
The best option for a wrap so far, is a humidifier or dehumidifier carbon filter for $20.00 at Home Depot.
The filter will be wrapped around the outside and hose clamped tight and an end cap placed on the end.
I will finish it this weekend and post under, "Home Made Filter in the Newbe section".
Keep an eye out and maybe I can be of some help.

Edit: The total cost so far if I had to purchase is about $8.00 so far.
I only need a dust filter, but will complete the carbon phase to help some poor people like me out.
You will be found out in an apartment complex with out a doubt.
Good luck I will try to post soon.



New Member
I am currently working on a home made filter but am having trouble finding a cheap carbon wrap for it.View attachment 2621652View attachment 2621653
The best option for a wrap so far, is a humidifier or dehumidifier carbon filter for $20.00 at Home Depot.
The filter will be wrapped around the outside and hose clamped tight and an end cap placed on the end.
I will finish it this weekend and post under, "Home Made Filter in the Newbe section".
Keep an eye out and maybe I can be of some help.
Will it work to cover the smell?


Well-Known Member
Yes it will.
It is designed to fit on the 6" intake hole of my 1000 watt HPS hood.
The idea is to wrap it with a carbon filter and cover the filter with a pair of nylons or tights for dust. The humidifier filter are made to remove smells and odors, but they're going to be the most expensive part.
I hope the total comes to around $25.00 to $30.00.
The cheapest store bought filter I could find was online at Amazon for $65.00. I really wanted the Fresh Air filter, but at $125.00, not for me right now.