

Active Member
Im a first time grower, and was wondering about smell. I always hear people talking about how much it smells to grow, what about outdoors? My neighbors house is about 100 feet away from my garden...even outside will this be a problem???



Well-Known Member
which way is the wind blowing? and remember the wind will not always be blowing and odds are they are going to smell it. nice thing about it being outdoors is most strains smell like a dead skunk. man I love the smell though. got it on my hands right now and would not change the smell for anything. Peace hope it helps


Well-Known Member
it tends to have a very strong scent. somewhat like POT. you can smell it for miles. well half way down my street anyway.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr. T

IF your neighbor KNOWs the smell.. then he will KNOW.. if he is MJ ignorant... then he will not notice the smell.. at most he will think he smells a skunk....

UNLESS of course you are growing multiple GIANT plants....

It will be especially smelly during flowering on windy days when the plants are moving... they start to really STANK... like akkakakakakakaka




Active Member
It also really depends on what kind of vegetation is around your growing area. If you have pine trees and other sorts with a strong smell already you maybe fine. Cedar I find is also good for covering the smell if you are worried about it.


Well-Known Member
The smell from a cannabis patch can be quite strong....
I keep a little stealth garden in the woods about 200 yards away from my property....A few years ago I had the plot filled with SkunkxBurmese...about ten or so really big girls.....
What a stench....If the wind was blowing the right way, pheeww….. I became paranoid, even though my closest neighbor is about 1/2 mile away....
Be careful!


Well-Known Member
a lot of counties in california are banning outdoor growing due to the invite of thieves and complaints of the smell.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I know growing and smoking are different ... that being said...

here is a short story

I was in the KIDDY park in my city yesterday. I had tied up some gymnastic rings on the swing set ( u have been fooking around with rings lately)... and all of a sudden I smelled da kind.... I looked down about 100 yards into the interior of the CITY PARK and I see some guys smoking weed and drinking....

The kiddie park was filled with kiddies and parents...

the end :)


Active Member
okay so i live in denver right....and as you know colorado has a crao load of pines...well i have a storage shed and it is made of wood and has a door and point is its completly sealed...and im planning to grow about 4 plants in you think my neighbors will still smell it?? they are all about 150 feet away from my shed??


Well-Known Member
Well I dont know about this grow, sounds a little sketchy, only 100 feet away from your grow. remember, it only takes one downwind for your neibor to get a wiff, and a quick walk towards the smell could have ruined months of growing and nurturing, keep that in mind. I would pick somewheres alot further away from people. hope that helps :bigjoint: