I know trying to guess at the sex of a plant before it shows is silly but I've got three plants 2 afghani#1 and 1 Chronice ryder (fem) and of the afghani's one is WAY taller even though theyre only about 1 and 1/2 weeks old one is nearly seven inches tall and the other is about 3 and 1/2. (the ryders about seven inches too but I'm fairly confident its a girl) I know height is a fairly reliable early method of telling the sex of the plant does that mean the bigh afghanis a guy?
as a note the bigger afghani smells to HIGH HEAVEN compared to either of the other two plants (nice and lemon zesty in a mary jane kinda way) should this be take as a sign the plant is a girl?
as a note the bigger afghani smells to HIGH HEAVEN compared to either of the other two plants (nice and lemon zesty in a mary jane kinda way) should this be take as a sign the plant is a girl?