Well-Known Member
Did you leave for K-town yet? I'm going to be in MWD today, I was wondering if I could get some of that lime? You can come on out and I'll show you my outdoor if you want.
haha, did you change the soil they might just be a little shocked from that
Thanks for the help today, I'll try to post those pics up tomorrow, I dont think they are too bad.
I will try to post some pics up today of those girls, I need to go out there and water today anyways so I will get some pics while I'm out there. Oh yeah, by the way those clones perked right up, look great. I think I'm going to make one more clone container and get some Kush going. I just realized that I don't have any kush out there.
Bro if you transplanted in the rain and it has been like that for a day or two, I wouldn't water today.....pix would be bomb tho...I wanna see the new area...You guys known eachother before rui?
I find this amusing.,0,2813544.story
lol 1 million and 25 years?? what a joke! still blows me away how dumb people can be. god help themI find this amusing.,0,2813544.story
He calls kush a modified version of mj from that seen in the 60's and 70's....GET EDUCATED Congressman Kirk!
shaved my head last night, so I have some free deer repellent.i don't think i washed it a good 3 days before i cut it either.