Smoke cocaine?


Active Member
Damn trying to read all these comments....can't do it but I feel like voicing my opinion. First of all I've had laced joints, laced bowls, and maybe a gram up my nose infrequently (could be a month before i do it again could be 8 months) anyways I haven't noticed that extreme of a addictive effect, in fact I think xanax is probably more addictive. It could just be me but, I don't get that much of a high off it anyway. I blame that on the fact that I've been prescribed to 20xr adderall. Anyways I think its the same as everything you just have to keep in control or you will ended up with a fucked up life.


Well-Known Member
ok your wrong too. that pic is coke thats been re-rocked pure coke has more of a solid consistency and is more on the yelloish and some time beige clour you cant take a pic from the internet and claim its of pure cocaine thats just retarted thats like me taking a pic of candle wax or a choped up macadamien nut and callin it crack you probly couldnt tell if it is real or not and i know this because i used to make them dummys to rip off out of towners lol any way onces again im right and another person on here is wrong


Well-Known Member
look you cant base every thing on what you read or see on tv raw cocaine isnt white if you believe every thing you read and see on tv then you belive weed should not be legal
look i know first hand raw coke is not white you just seen to many bad reruns of Miami Vice


Well-Known Member
so you are saying the encyclopedia and websites devoted tp drug information are lying about the color of pure coke, that makes a lot of sense. What do they have some sort of agenda against yellow coke or something?


Active Member
MMM... only experience i ever had was foillies then doing a line. Basically felt normal since i was drinking lol


Active Member
to be honest i dont think any ov you have seen pure coke as surley this would be strait from the process of coming from the plant, and i shouldent think any of you have even seen a coko plant in the flesh HAVE U:joint:


Well-Known Member
Ahh, you fuckers still debating over this shit. It's about as fun as arguing over religion or about how much bigger my dick is then yours.

You guys think the dude who started this thread has smoked it yet? LMFAO

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