Smoke Lounge Seed money needed

Visit my GoFundMe page! I want to start a smoke lounge, but have no capital of my own. The industry is too 'risky' for banks to give loans. A grassroots type of support is needed.
Money is the biggest thing needed to start up. I am also interested in other working professionals that would want to give support through knowledge, skill, and any other means available.
Thank you for your support!


Well-Known Member
ya I just got plenty of money to give away.......fuck that get a job, sell drugs, grow weed, rob a bank or stand on the street with a cup what the fuck you want for free aint shit for free why don't you fund me the money and I'll open an weed freindly gentlmans club


Well-Known Member
LMAO its been 10 days and still no donations what a joke not even a dollar I think you would do better standing on a busy street corner begging for spare change
Visit my GoFundMe page! I want to start a smoke lounge, but have no capital of my own. The industry is too 'risky' for banks to give loans. A grassroots type of support is needed.
Money is the biggest thing needed to start up. I am also interested in other working professionals that would want to give support through knowledge, skill, and any other means available.
Thank you for your support!


Active Member
best bet is to get a job so that you can get some start up money that won't be questioned about later.