Smoke then drink, or drink then smoke?


New Member
If you want to get drunk and high at the same time Ive heard before that its a lot better to do one before the other. I just cant remember which.

Is is better to get drunk before you get high?

or get high before you get drunk?


Well-Known Member
Do them at the same time, Take a hit hold it and take a swig of whatever your drinking. By the time your done your session your drunk and stoned. :mrgreen:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
well I would say I cant remember the last time I drank. lol, I think it was smoke.

i do know this, take yer morphine, percosets, or whatever then blaze. Lol, now that is nice. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

grow space

Well-Known Member
noo-always drink, then waaay much better this way.i dont usally plan when im drinking that i must smoke too, but usually, almost every time it goes that way :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
smoke then drink!

if you get drunk, then start sparking up, yo're gonna find that gag reflex/barfing sooo damned easily.

if i smoke and drink at same time, i get wrecked, can't work out what's ha[p[ening, drunk or stoned, just hazed! if i smoke then drink, then i'm just peachy, if i drink then smoke, i white out, real qui, real fast, and get so damned groggy and tired i pass out kinda there and then

edit: so yeah, drink then smoke i guess, you're just gonna get fucked up real quick once you start puffing :D


Roll a blunt, pour some shots. Get it done at the same time. This works better with less people. Every other time you hit it you have to take a shot. Then when your drunk, you know your gonna roll up or pack a bowl, so why does it matta


stays relevant.
Roll a blunt, pour some shots. Get it done at the same time. This works better with less people. Every other time you hit it you have to take a shot. Then when your drunk, you know your gonna roll up or pack a bowl, so why does it matta
Welcome to RIU! :)


Well-Known Member
Well, weed causes cotton mouth... so obviously smoke then drink.

It's not like there's a definite stopping point. Just remember to repeat, and it won't really matter what you started with -You'll get both solutions.


Active Member
These days I don't believe in ruining the high with the low, but back when I did smoke then drink then smoke.


Well-Known Member
I am not much help.

I don't drink much. So usually I smoke then go to a party / bar and have a beer or two. Or sometimes when high a beer is the only thing that will quench cotton mouth. So I always smoke then drink.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I am not much help.

I don't drink much. So usually I smoke then go to a party / bar and have a beer or two. Or sometimes when high a beer is the only thing that will quench cotton mouth. So I always smoke then drink.
Similar... Smoke, then drink, then go somewhere, drink more, stumble home, load a bowl, pass out watching TV. I miss College.


Well-Known Member
i like to drink two beers and then smoke.. after that one more beer.. i dont like to get too much wasted...

never mix vodka/tekila/whiskey or other strong drinks with weed or youll get enormous spins :D


Well-Known Member
im goin wit tea tree on this and my own oppinion, you should take your perks vics and morphine first and then either smoke drink smoke repete or drink smoke drink repete


Well-Known Member
I'm a fuckin light weight. but I love to drink first then smoke. I'll have like 3 beers and then smoke and it'll kick my ass perfectly.

if I drink hard A and smoke later I'll puke within 5 mins.